Page 170 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Rev. Richard Fabian Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Hong Kong
P. 170

CHEN ZHIFO (1896-1962)                            陳之佛(1896-1962)
                 Who used the sobriquet Xueweng, and studio name Yang Zhenlu, was  號雪翁,室名養真廬。浙江餘姚(今屬慈溪)人,乃現代工藝美術先
                 a native of Yuyao (present day Cixi), Zhejiang Province, and he was a   驅。一九一九年考入東京美術學校工藝圖案科,是中國首位赴東瀛
                 pioneer in modern decorative arts. In 1919, he was the first Chinese   學習工藝美術的學生。一九二三年學成歸國,在上海福生路創辦尚美
                 student accepted into Tokyo University of Arts to majoring in Crafts   圖案館,為各大絲綢廠設計圖案紋樣,培養設計人員。歷任上海、廣
                 and Graphic Arts. Upon his graduation in 1923, he returned to China   州、南京各大專院校教授。
                 and founded the Shangmei Graphic Design company on Fusheng
                 Street in Shanghai, providing pattern designs for major silk factories   一九三二年起專任南京中央大學藝術系教授。一九五八年,調任南京
                 while cultivating young designers. He taught at several art schools in   藝術專科學校(今南京藝術學院)副院長,為該校創建染織、裝潢專
                 Shanghai, Guangzhou and Nanjing before he became a professor in   業。陳之佛專擅雙鉤細染之工筆花鳥,上溯五代徐、黃,對宋代院體
                 the art department at National Central University in 1932.   用功尤深,形成清新雋永、飄逸典雅的風格。與于非闇並稱「南陳北
                 In 1958, he was relocated to be the vice principal of Nanjing University   概論》等十餘部。
                 of the Arts, and he introduced various majors, such as textile dyeing
                 and Interior Design to the arts faculty. He was extremely prolific in
                 bird and flower paintings, and his style emulated the Five Dynasty
                 masters Xu Xi and Huang Quan, as well as the Song Dynasty painting
                 academy. He excelled in using the outlines filled with colour technique
                 to paint bird and flower subjects, and he was famed for a refreshing
                 and airy style. Together with Yu Fei’an, they were referred to as
                 Southern Chen and Northern Yu. He authored more than ten books
                 including, Methods of Pattern Formations, Overview on Designs on
                 Chinese Ceramics, and a Survey on Western Art.

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