Page 174 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Rev. Richard Fabian Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Hong Kong
P. 174
PAN TIANSHOU (1897-1971) 潘天壽(1897-1971)
Birth name Tianshou, courtesy name Dayi, he used the sobriquets 名天授,字大頤,號阿壽、壽者,別署懶道人、頤者,晚年常署雷婆
Ashou and Shouzhe, pen names Landaoren, Yizhe and, often used 頭峰壽者。浙江海寧人。父禀璋,能書,曾任鄉長及縣參議員。一九
in his old age, Leipotoufeng Shouzhe. He was a native of Haining, 一五年入浙江省立第一師範學校,受經亨頤、李叔同、夏丏尊等名師
Zhejiang Province. His father Pan Bingzhang was fond of calligraphy, 熏陶。一九二三年赴上海美術專門學校任教,結識吳昌碩、黃賓虹、
and once served as township mayor and county senator. Pan 王一亭等名家,吳賞其才,以「天驚地怪見落筆,巷語街談總入詩」
Tianshou attended Zhejiang Provincial First Normal School in 1915, 篆書聯相贈。一九二八年受聘於國立杭州藝專教授,常利用假期遊歷
and studied with famous masters such as, Jing Hengyi, Li Shutong 名山勝水,寫生作畫。曾與褚聞韻、吳茀之、張書旂組成國畫研究會
and Xia Mianzun. In 1923, he taught at the Shanghai Academy of Fine 「白社」。建國後出任浙江美術學院院長。
Arts, and acquaint himself with Wu Changshuo, Huang Binhong, and
Wang Yiting, among other famous artists. Wu Changshuo was an 潘天壽詩、書、畫、印咸擅,初到上海受吳昌碩影響,後上溯八大、
admirer of his talent and once wrote a calligraphy couplet in seal script 石濤、戴進、沈周等大家,逐漸有了自身面貌,畫作構圖險峻、充滿
dedicated to him, praising his unique brushwork. In 1928, he was 張力,結合八大造型中之奇崛、雄怪的特色,鷲、鷹、蛙皆能入畫。
employed as a professor by the Hangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, and 潘天壽還擅指畫,尤其晚年所作,更體現其風格的硬挺、剛勁、渾厚
during his holidays there, he often visited famous mountains and rivers 與樸拙。
to sketch and draw. Pan was also the founder of the Chinese painting
study group “Baishe (White Society)” along with Chu Wenyun, Wu
Fuzhi and Zhang Shuqi. After the founding of the People’s Republic of
China, he became president of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts.
Pan was good at poetry, calligraphy, painting and seal craving. He
was greatly influenced by Wu Changshuo when he first arrived in
Shanghai; then he studied and copied famous old masters such as
Bada Shanren, Shi Tao, Dai Jin, and Shen Zhou, and grew to form his
own style of composition, which was rugged and intense. His style
combined the peculiar features of Bada Shanren, and vultures, eagles
and frogs were some of his popular subjects. Pan also excelled at
finger painting most obvious in the works done in his later years, they
embodied his stiff, vigorous, bold and austere style.