Page 178 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Rev. Richard Fabian Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Hong Kong
P. 178

LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991)                          林風眠 (1900-1991)
                 Originally named Shaojing, student name Fengming, he was a native   原名紹瓊,學名鳳鳴,廣東梅縣人。畫家暨藝術教育家。一九一九年
                 of Meixian, Guangdong Province. After graduated from Meixian county   底加入法國勤工儉學會,與好友林文錚同船赴法,越二年,入讀法國
                 high school, Lin joined the Work-Study Movement in Shanghai, and   迪戎國立美術學院、巴黎國立美術學院,並游學德國,接觸印象派、
                 traveled to France in Dec 1919, where he studied painting at Ecole   野獸派、立體主義、表現主義等西方現代藝術思潮。一九二五年歸
                 Nationale Supérieure d'Art, Dijon and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des   國,出任北平藝術專門學校校長。一九二八年,受蔡元培之邀,赴杭
                 Beaux-Arts in Paris. While in Europe, he became fascinated by such   州籌辦並出任國立藝術院(後更名杭州藝專,今中國美術學院前身)
                 modern western art movements as Impressionism, Fauvism, Cubism,   首任院長兼教授,國際知名藝術家趙無極、朱德群、吳冠中等均出自
                 and Expressionism. He returned to China in 1925 and assumed the   林氏門下。文革時期遭受打擊迫害,為求自保曾親毁大量畫作。一九
                 principalship of the National Fine Arts School in Beijing. In 1928, with   七七年獲准出國探親,自此隱居香港,繼續創作,直至一九九一年逝
                 support from Cai Yuanpei, he founded the National College of Art (now   世。
                 the China Academy of Art) in Hangzhou, becoming its first principal
                 and taught western painting. Among his noted students were Zao   林風眠主張東西方藝術要互相溝通,取長補短,以中國民族文化為基
                 Wou-ki, Chu Teh-Chun, and Wu Guanzhong. Lin was targeted during   礎,融入西畫技法與審美精髓,革新中國藝術。其作品追求意境,講
                 the Cultural Revolution; fearing prosecution, he purportedly destroyed   究神韵、技巧,强調真實性與裝飾性統一。構圖嚴謹,色彩明亮,强
                 thousands of his experimental paintings and sketches. In 1977 he was   烈中顯示出柔和,單純中蘊含着豊富,無論風景、仕女、禽鳥、瓶花
                 allowed to depart China and eventually settled in Hong Kong, where   靜物或舞台人物,均表現出創新、獨特的風格。
                 he continued to paint. Lin passed away in Hong Kong in 1991.

                 Lin Fengmian advocated the blending of Eastern and Western art,
                 and learning from western traditions and aesthetics to create a
                 new Chinese art based on traditional Chinese culture. His paintings
                 combine superior technique and lofty spirit, emphasizing the unity of
                 realism and an ornamental quality. His compositions are disciplined
                 and his colour bright, showing softness in strength and richness in
                 simplicity. Lin’s paintings, be they of landscape, figures, birds, still life
                 or Beijing Opera figures, all showcase his unique and ground-breaking

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