Page 182 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Rev. Richard Fabian Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Hong Kong
P. 182
FU BAOSHI (1904-1965) 傅抱石(1904-1965)
Birth names Changsheng and Ruilin, he used the sobriquet Baoshizhai 原名長生、瑞麟,號抱石齋主人。江西南昌人。家貧,少時便以刻印
Zhuren, was a native of Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. He was born in 維持生計。一九二六年畢業於江西省第一師範學校藝術科。一九三
a poor family and had to help with family expenses by engraving seals 一年,結識徐悲鴻,在其舉薦下,赴日留學考察,次年入日本帝國美
in his early years. In 1926, he graduated from the Art Department 術學校,師從金原省吾,並結識郭沫若。在二人幫助下,傅抱石第一
of Jiangxi First Normal School. In 1931, he met Xu Beihong and on 次書畫篆刻展在東京銀座舉行。歸國後受聘於南京中央藝術大學,抗
Xu’s recommendation, he was able to study aboard in Japan. The 戰八年間,舉家遷居重慶西郊的金剛坡。川西環境極大影響了他的創
following year, he joined the Imperial School of Fine Arts of Japan, 作,為其山水、人物畫打開了新的面貌。
where he studied under Seigo Kinbara and became acquainted with
Guo Moruo. With their help, Fu held his first exhibition of calligraphy, 建國後,他應邀上韶山,創作一系列毛澤東故居之作品;又與關山月
painting and engraved seal in Ginza, Tokyo. After returning to China, 合作〈江山如此多嬌〉,懸於人民大會堂。五十至六十年代初,大量
he was employed by the Nanjing Central University of Art. During the 進行毛澤東詩意創作。傅抱石獨創「抱石皴」,筆墨縱橫恣意,氣魄
eight years of the War of Resistance, his family moved to Jinkangpo, 雄渾闊大,尤其能駕馭暴雨、山泉,刻畫以「水」為主題的作品;人
in the western suburbs of Chongqing. The environment in Western 物則多作仕女、高士,上古傳說。傅抱石精研美術史,著作包括《苦
Sichuan greatly influenced his work, opening up new a perspective for 瓜和尚年表》、《中國古代山水畫史研究》、《中國篆刻史書略》、
his landscape and figure painting. 《晉顧愷之〈畫雲台山記〉之研究》等。
After the founding of the People’s Republic, he was invited to go to
Mount Shao to create a series of works on Mao Zedong’s former
residence. He also cooperated with Guan Shanyue to paint “Jianshan
Ruci Duojiao (Such is the Beauty of Our Land)”, which now hangs in
the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. From the 1950s to the early
1960s, Fu created numerous paintings based on Mao Zedong’s
poetry. He originally created the “Baoshi’s stroke” brush style, with bold
strokes and ink, and broad verve, which is outstanding in producing
rainstorm scenes and works with themes relating to water. Most of the
characters in his figure paintings were elegant ladies and noble men,
often related to ancient legends. Fu Baoshi meticulously studied art
history and authored publications, including Timeline of Monk Kugua,
Research on the History of Chinese Classical Paintings, Volume on
Ancient Books on Seal Engraving and Research on Gu Kaizhi’s Paper
‘Records on Painting Mount Yuntai’.