Page 14 - The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
P. 14
Note to the Reader
All Turkish names, places, and titles are spelled according to The Turkish system of alphabetization is used in the Short-
official modern Turkish orthography. Modern Turkish trans- ened References and Select Bibliography. A letter with dia-
literation is also used for Arabic and Persian words within a critical marks is alphabetized after the same letter without the
Turkish context. Non-Turkish names of individuals and cities marks; for instance c falls before ç.
or regions outside the boundaries of the Republic of Turkey The word bin, meaning "son of," frequently a part of a
follow English spelling. When a Turkish term appears for the name, is abbreviated as b., as in Süleyman b. Selim.
first time in the text, it is italicized and followed by a transla- All dates, with the exception of those in colophons and in-
tion or explanation. Terms used frequently are listed in the scriptions, are given in the Gregorian calendar. When a year
Glossary. in the Islamic calendar, which is based on lunar months, goes
The following is a guide to the pronunciation of Turkish beyond the Christian year in which it began, both years are
words: given, separated by a slash, as in 1557/1558.
Numerals in bold type refer to colorplates as well as cata-
c pronounced "j" as in "John" logue numbers.
ç pronounced "ch" as in "chair"
g soft guttural, lengthens the vowel preceding it
i pronounced somewhat like "e" as in "open"
j pronounced like the French "j" as in "Jacques"
ô pronounced like the French "eu" as in "peu"
§ pronounced "sh" as in "shall"
ü pronounced like the French "u" as in "lune"