Page 10 - The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
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We  would  like to  take  this opportunity to  express  our  profound gratitude to Philip Morris
                          Companies  Inc.,  whose generous  financial  support  has  made  this exhibition possible.  A  leader
                          in  corporate  support  of the  arts for more than  a quarter of a century, Philip Morris  has
                          achieved  a  most  distinguished  record  of sponsoring  significant  cultural events  in  this  country
                          and  abroad.  We  wish  to thank  in particular Hamish Maxwell, chairman  and  chief executive
                          officer,  R. William Murray,  president,  Philip Morris International, and  Walter Thoma,
                          president,  Philip Morris  Europe  EEMA  Region, for  offering  the  patronage  of their  corporation
                          for  the  enlightenment  and  enjoyment  of American  audiences.  In addition, this exhibition  is
                          supported  by  a  United  States  Government  indemnity from  the  Federal Council on  the  Arts
                          and  the  Humanities.
                            Many  individuals  in  Chicago,  New  York,  and  Washington  deserve  thanks  for their work  on
                          the  exhibition.  Special gratitude  is due  the  following staff  at  the  National Gallery: D. Dodge
                          Thompson,  chief, exhibition  programs;  Gaillard  Ravenel, chief, and  Mark  Leithauser,  deputy
                          chief  of design  and  installation;  Elizabeth A. Croog, associate  secretary, general  counsel;  and
                          Joseph  J.  Krakora,  external  affairs  officer.  At the  Art Institute of Chicago, Jack  V. Sewell,
                          curator  of oriental  and  classical art, Katharine C. Lee, assistant director, and  Dorothy
                          Schroeder,  assistant  to  the  director,  have  been  instrumental in mounting  the  exhibition. At
                          the  Metropolitan  Museum  of Art in  the  department  of Islamic art,  Stuart Cary Welch,  special
                          consultant  in  charge,  and  Carolyn Kane;  Mahrukh  Tarapor and  John McDonald,  office  of  the
                          director;  and  Emily  Rafferty,  vice president  for development,  have  rendered  invaluable
                          assistance  in  making  the  exhibition  a reality.
                            Above  all, thanks  go to  Esin Atil,  and  to  the  Smithsonian Institution for allowing her  to  act
                          as our  guest  curator,  thereby  bringing her  vision and  enthusiasm  to  this venture.  Dr. Atil's
                          connoisseurship  and  scholarship  have  combined  to produce  an  exhibition  and  catalogue  that
                          invite  us  to  explore  and  .savor  The Age  of Sultan  Sukyman  the  Magnificent.

                          J.  Carter  Brown
                          Director, National  Gallery of  Art

                          James N.  Wood
                          Director, The  Art  Institute of Chicago

                          Philippe  de  Montebello
                          Director, The  Metropolitan  Museum  of Art
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