Page 7 - The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
P. 7

Among  the  sixteen  states founded throughout  history by the  Turks, the  Ottoman  Em-
                             pire, which  survived for more  than  six centuries  (1299-1922),  has  a  distinct place  in
                             world  history. Works  of art  from  one  of the  most  glorious periods  of the  Ottoman
                             Empire will be  displayed for the first time  in  the  United  States during the  exhibition
                             The  Age  of Sultan  Süleyman  the  Magnificent.
                             Throughout  history,  Anatolia has  actually and  constantly  assumed  the  role  of being  a
                             bridge between  east  and  west.  As a  result of this historical fact,  the  culture  and  civili-
                             zation  of the  Ottoman  period  reflect  a  synthesis of the  cultures  of east  and  west. Dur-
                             ing  the  reign  of Sultan Süleyman  I, known  as "Süleyman  the  Magnificent/'  who
                             ruled  between  1520 and  1566, the  Ottoman  Empire became  one  of the  leading  states
                             of  the  world,  not  only  in political and  military arenas,  but  also  in cultural  and  social
                             It  is my  belief that  this exhibition, which  contains  some  valuable samples  of artifacts
                             of  only  one  period  of the  long  history  of our  country  that  possesses many  richnesses,
                             will  draw  the  attention  and  appreciation  of the  American  public, and  will  contribute
                             to  the  creation  of a bridge of culture between  the  Turkish and  American  nations.
                             Furthermore,  I hope that  the  exhibition  will be  an  opportunity  for those  American
                             friends  who  have  not  so far been  able to  visit our  country  to  see at  least  some  small
                             portion  of the  artistic and  cultural legacy of Turkey.
                             While  extending  my thanks  to  those  who  contributed  to  the  preparation  of this  exhi-
                             bition,  I would  also  like to  send  to  the  American  people  my  best  wishes  for  their
                             success  and  happiness.

                                                                                    President  of  the
                                                                                    Republic  of Turkey
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