Page 8 - The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
P. 8


                          The  generous  loan  by  the  Republic of Turkey of a  splendid  collection  of objects  from
                          the  reign  of Sultan  Suleyman  I is a  most  welcome  event,  and  one  in  which  Nancy
                          and  I take  great  personal  interest.
                          Suleyman,  known  also  as the  Lawgiver,  played  a leading role  in  the  diplomatic
                          affairs  of the  sixteenth  century.  The twentieth-century globe may  be  a more  compli-
                          cated  map  than  the  one  Suleyman  studied, but  the  continuing value of international
                          friendship  is one  he  would  recognize  and  endorse.
                          It  is in  the  spirit of such  friendship that  I hope  each  of you  will  view  the  exhibition,
                          remembering the  good  faith  and  trust  the  Turkish  people  have  shown by  sharing
                          their  national  treasures  with  us.
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