Page 6 - The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
P. 6


     Foreword    8                                              The  Royal Kilns   235
     Acknowledgments      10                                       White  Ware   242
     Lenders  to  the  Exhibition  12                              Blue-and-White  Ware    242
                                                                   Blue-and-Turquoise  Ware   250
     Note  to  the  Reader  13
                                                                   Four-color  Ware with  Purple  258
     Map  of the  Ottoman  Empire   14                             Four-color  Ware  with  Red  263
     Introduction   17                                          Appendixes    287
       Historical  Setting  17                                     Vakfiye  of Hürrem  Sultan  287
       Süleyman   the  Sultan  19                                  Palace  Expenses  288
       Süleyman   the  Patron  24                                  Society  of Painters  and  Bookbinders  289
     The Nakka§hane     29                                         Genealogical  Tables  300

       Tugras,  Fermans,  and  Vakfiyes  36                      List  of  Objects  305
       Religious Manuscripts   44                                Concordance    325
       Literary Manuscripts   66                                 Shortened  References  327
       Illustrated  Histories  78
       Single  Paintings,  Drawings,  and  Albums  97            Select  Bibliography  339
     The  Sultan's Treasury  113                                 Glossary  347
       Precious  Objects  117                                    Index  351
       Arms  and  Armor    147
       Furniture   166
     The  Imperial  Wardrobe  177
       Kaftans   182
       Accessories  and  Embroideries  199
       Textiles  and  Furnishings  207
       Rugs    224
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