Page 54 - The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
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when  older  manuscripts were  decorated  and  rebound  in  the  the  volume  was  rebound  in gold-stamped  leather  covers  with
    court  studios.                                            filigree  doublures,  following the  style of the  mid-sixteenth
      One  such  example  is the  second  part  of a thirty-volume  century.  Each  line  of text was  enclosed  by  a contour  band,
    Koran  transcribed  by Yakut  el-Mustasimi  in  1282/1283,  the field was  painted  gold  and  decorated  with floral scrolls,
    which  was  refurbished in  the  mid-sixteenth  century.  Yakut,  and  gold  drawings  with  hatayi  scrolls were  applied to  the
    who  established  the  canons that  formed  the  basis of calli-  margins  of the  folios.
    graphic  styles for centuries  to  come,  was  born  in Amasya  and  The  double  serlevha  (13)  is the  most  elaborate section of
    entered  the  services  of the  caliph  of Baghdad, el-Mustasim  the  manuscript.  The horizontal  and  vertical panels  enclosing
    (1242-1258),  whose name he  adopted  as his honorific.    the  text  and  the  wide  frame composed  of reciprocal arches
    Thought  to have  died  in  1298  or  1299,  he  is reputed  to have  are beautifully designed  and  integrated  into  the  composition.
    written  1001  Korans. Although the  figure  appears  exagger-  The artist was  not  only  an  expert  painter but  also  a designer
    ated,  Yakut  was  prolific.  A large number  of his  Korans  are  of  illuminated  folios.
    kept  in  the  Topkapi  Palace  and  other  collections;  an  equal  The  same meticulous care is found  in  the  decoration of  an-
    number  of fraudulent imitations bear  his name, which  attests  other  Koran that was  transcribed in  nesih by Abdullah Say-
    to his reputation  and  popularity.                        rafi,  a  master  from  Tabriz thought to  have written some  three
      The  text  of the  1283/1284 Koran  of Yakut, written  in  mu-  dozen  Korans. This calligraphier,  who  died in  1342, had  stud-
    hakkak,  was  carefully  cut out  and  pasted  on  new  sheets  and  ied  with  Yakut  and  was  renowned  for his  nesih  script. The

    12.  Illuminated  serlevha  from  a book  of prayers  transcribed  by Hasan b.
    Ahmed  Karahisari  in  1566/1567 and  dedicated  to  Sultan  Selim  II (Istanbul,
    Topkapi  Sarayí Müzesi, E.H. 1077,  fols.  2b—3a)

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