Page 58 - The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
P. 58
16. Stamped and gilded leather binding from a Koran transcribed by Argun
Kamili in 1306/1307 and bound mid-sixteenth century (Istanbul, Topkapi
Sarayí Müzesi, E.H. 222)
is observed on the covers of a Persian interpretation of the and polygons evolve; these units are painted in gold, green,
Koran, the Tefsir-i Mevahib-i Aliye.^ The exterior (15), covered and dark and light blue and overlaid with brown leather
with light-brown leather, has an overall design with rumi rumis and hatayis. The wide border with a dark blue ground
and hatayi scrolls executed in relief and enclosed by a border has filigree leather floral scrolls and cloud bands, the latter
filled with raised floral motifs. The background of the field is painted gold.
stamped with gold; the rumi scroll is reserved in the natural Saz scrolls characteristic of classical Ottoman bookbindings
tone of the leather, whereas the hatayi scroll is rendered in appear on a copy of the Koran transcribed by Argun Kamili
silver with touches of off-white pigment applied to the blos- in 1306/1307 and refurbished in Süleyman's court around
soms. Gold is also used as background of the border with • 1550. The calligraphier, a famous student of Yakut known for
some of the floral motifs rendered in reserve. The gold- his muhakkak and sülüs scripts, was born to Turkish and
stamped ground reveals an effect not unlike ring matting Arab parents in eastern Iraq and lived in Baghdad until his
found in metalwork, due to the texture of the leather. The death in 1343. The text of his Koran was cut out and pasted
combination of these two types of scrolls dates back to the onto new sheets; illuminations were added to the serlevha,
bookbindings and other works of art made in Timurid Herat. chapter headings, and the field surrounding the text; then the
The interior of the binding is also Herat-inspired, with in- work was rebound.
tersecting filigree medallions that have contrasting grounds. The exterior of the bookbinding (16), covered with dark
In the center is an eight-lobed medallion from which circles brown leather, has a central medallion with axial pendants,