Page 56 - The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
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14.  Two  folios  from  a Koran transcribed by Abdullah Sayrafi  in  1344/1345
    and  illuminated by Kara Mcmi  in  1554/1555  (Istanbul, Topkapi  Sarayi
    Müzesi, E.H. 49,  fols.  329b-330a)

     ten  in  a  larger script  (rikaa)  must  have  been  added  by Hasan,  and  1555/1556. Here he  is listed as having illuminated a
     the  student  and  adopted  son  of Ahmed  Karahisari  (see 12),  Koran  for the  Süleymaniye Mosque,  receiving the  highest
     who  was  also  responsible for the  chapter  headings. The illu-  wage.  The  artist was  also  discussed in  Mustafa  Ali's  Mena-
     minations,  made  by Kara Memi,  called Kara Mehmed  Çelebi  kib-i  Hünerveran  (Legends of the  talented), a biography of  the
     in the  notation,  harmonize  with  Hasan's calligraphy and  en-  artists. Mustafa Ali  called him  a "muzehhib/'  the greatest
     rich  the  folios.                                         student  of §ahkulu,  and  the  master  of Süleyman's  nakka§-
       Kara  Memi,  whose  name  is recorded  in  one  other  manu-  hane. With the  exception  of Mustafa Ali's brief account  and
     script,  the  Divan-i  Muhibbi  dated February/March  1566  (see  the  listings in  the  documents,  not  much  is known  about his
     26),  is also  listed  in  the  payroll registers. In  1545  he  was  life.  We do  not  know where  he  came  from  and  when  he
     identified  as Mehmed-i  Siyah, Memi  being  a  shortened  ver-  started  his apprenticeship  with  §ahkulu.  Kara Memi is,
     sion  of Mehmed  and  Siyah  (black)  another  way  of  defining  nevertheless,  among  the  very  few artists of the  nakkachane
     Kara  (dark);  two  apprentices, Mustafa  b.  Yusuf  and  Hamza of  whose  style can  be  identified  by existing works.
     Austria,  were  named  also. In  1557—1558  he  was  called nak-  Analysis  of his  signed  and  dated  works  indicates that Kara
     ka§ba§i  and  had  an  apprentice by  the  name  of Nebi.  Since his  Memi  was  indeed  the  master  of Süleyman's nakka§hane. His
     name  does  not  appear  in the  register drawn  between  July  naturalistic themes appear  in manuscripts produced  between
     and  October  1566,  the  artist's  last work  may have been  the  the  1540s  and  1560s, and  no  doubt  his apprentices  and  stu-
     Divan-i  Muhibbi.  He appears as Kara  Mehmed  in  a  document  dents  continued  the  tradition. If one  artist can  be  credited
     related  to  the  palace expenses  accrued between  1552/1553  with  the  most  significant  contribution to  Ottoman  decorative

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