Page 168 - March 17 2017 Chinese Art NYC, Christies
P. 168

1155                                                                                         1155           1157
                                                     1156                                                   A CARVED YAOZHOU CELADON
SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY (1127-1279)                    A YAOZHOU ‘MOON WHITE’ BOWL                            ‘CHRYSANTHEMUM’ DISH
The bowl is thinly potted with slightly rounded                                                             NORTHERN SONG-JIN DYNASTY
conical sides and carved on the interior with two    SONG DYNASTY (AD 960-1279)                             (AD 960-1234)
almost hidden fgures of boys tumbling amidst         The bowl is thickly potted with gently rounded
large peony blossoms, and covered overall with a     sides, and is covered overall with a thick glaze of    The dish is thickly potted with widely faring sides
glossy, translucent glaze of pale blue color except  even pale greyish-green tone stopping neatly at        that rise from the low foot to a raised band below
for an unglazed circle on the base.                  the shallow foot. The interior of the foot is covered  the lipped rim. The interior is carved with two
7æ in. (19.7 cm.) diam., box                         with a thin glaze wash.                                chrysanthemum blossoms borne on a leafy scroll
$4,000-6,000                                         5Ω in. (14 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box               and the dish is covered overall with an olive-green
南宋 青白刻嬰戲紋盌                                           $4,000-6,000
                                                                                                            7º in. (18.3 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box
166                                                  宋 耀州窯月白釉盌

                                                                                                            A Yaozhou celadon bowl with similar decoration
                                                                                                            on the interior is illustrated in Song Ceramics from
                                                                                                            the Kwan Collection, Hong Kong Museum of Art,
                                                                                                            1994, pp. 222-23, no. 93.

                                                                                                            北宋/金 耀州窯青釉刻菊紋盤
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