Page 65 - Sothebys Fine Chinese paintings Hong Kong
P. 65

Wannian Temple and Blissful Water                                          萬年福海

           Built during the Taihe reign of the Tang dynasty,   cedars that provide shade even in high summer.   萬年寺,在縣西北八峯山,唐太和時建。其東南十
           the Wannian Temple is located in Mount Bafeng   On the side is a small hill called Liao, with its   里為羅漢嶺,下為鐵船湖。傳有羅漢曾泛鐵船於
           to the northwest of the county. Ten li-miles to   valley strewn with grotesque rocks resembling   此。兩澗水,自寺門合流,縈紆南出。沿澗皆巨
           its southeast is the Luohan Peak overlooking the   dangling gibbons, stretching birds or any   杉,鬱鬱蒼蒼,盛夏不見炎晷。旁峙一小山,曰「
           Tiechuan Lake, or literally “lake of the iron boat”,   imaginable shapes. This indisputably blissful land   釣山」。壑內怪石礧礧,猿經鳥伸,不可方物。晉
           after the legend of a luohan passing through here   is where the Jin monk Tanyou rested to take in   僧曇猷嘗憩此四顧,有真福地之羨。臣錢維城恭繪
           in an iron boat. Off the front gate of the temple   the view. Painted and inscribed by your humble
           is a confluence of two streams meandering   servant Qian Weicheng.         並敬跋。鈐印:「臣錢維城」、「敬事」
           westwards. The streams are lined with gigantic
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