Page 61 - Sothebys Fine Chinese paintings Hong Kong
P. 61

Taoyuan Col in Springtime                                                  桃源絢春

           The passage between the Huguo Temple and   Hundreds of paces up the pool hover two cliffs   由護國寺至桃源塢,繡壁參差,夾澗駢立,澗曰「
           the Taoyuan Col is lined with mottled cliff faces   while under the ground extends an unfathomable   鳴玉」。凡九折中道有蘭若,曰「桃花庵」。折而
           flanking the stream Mingyu. In one of the stream   cavern. At the entrance to the cavern, a small   北東,山阻源迷,望若無路,飛梯一轉,靈境忽
           bands stands the nunnery Taohua, literally   chamber called Lixian has been carved out from   呈。溪流噴灑成瀑,有巨潭承之,曰「金橋潭」。
           “peach blossoms”. Turning to the northeast from   the rocks right next to a long stretch of peach   潭上數百步,雙崖匼匝,一洞潛通地底,深窅莫
           here, the stream disappears into the mountains   trees that explode in colour in springtime. This   測。洞口鑿石構小屋,曰「儷仙室」。屋旁千樹桃
           in an apparent dead end. A climb up the steps   was the spot where the Tan natives Liu Chen and
           and one is astounded by the wondrous sight of   Ruan Zhao encountered fairy maidens during the   花,春時絢爛若錦。漢永平間,郯人劉晨、阮肇採
           a stream splashing down to form a waterfall that   Yongping reign of the Han dynasty, as celebrated   藥遇仙。元微之、曹唐有詩詠之。
           plunges down into Jinqiao, an enormous pool.   by the Tang poets Yuan Zhen and Cao Tang.
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