Page 82 - Sotheby's Qianlong Calligraphy Oct. 3, 2018
P. 82


                                                         清乾隆  和闐青玉填金王獻之
           A HIGHLY IMPORTANT AND                          《中秋帖》暨《洛神賦十三行》

           EXCEPTIONAL IMPERIALLY                        插屏
           GILT-INSCRIBED ‘ZHONGQIU                      刻文:

           TIE’ JADE SCREEN
           YUSHI MARK AND PERIOD OF                      晉王獻之書。
           QIANLONG, DATED BINGYIN                       神韻獨超天姿特秀。
           YEAR (IN ACCORDANCE WITH                      大內藏大令墨蹟,多屬唐人鈎填,惟是卷真跡,二十二字,
           1746)                                         丙寅二月御識。
           one side meticulously modelled after Wang Xianzhi’s   文之印、賢志主人等
           Zhongqiu tie (Mid Autumn manuscript), skilfully worked and
           gilt-inscribed to imitate the swift and powerful brushwork of     〈洛神賦十三行〉
           the original manuscript, beginning with Jin Wang Xianzhi shu   ……嬉。左倚采旄,右蔭桂棋。攘皓捥於神滸兮,採湍瀨之
           followed by the twenty-two characters in cursive script divided   玄芝。余情悅其淑美兮,心悵盪而不怡。無良媒以接歡兮,
           into four columns, interspersed with thirteen seal marks,
           including Shenpin, Xuanhe, Yushu, Guangrendian and two   託微波而通辭。願誠素之先達兮,解玉珮以要之。嗟佳人之
           reading Sanxitang and another two Shaoxing, the left side of   信修兮,羌習禮而明詩。抗瓊珶以和予兮,指潛淵而為期。
           the screen inscribed with an imperial poem by the Qianlong   執拳拳之款實兮,懼斯靈之我欺。感交甫之棄言,悵猶豫而
           Emperor in praise of the manuscript, dated to the bingyin year   狐疑。收和顏以靜志兮,申禮防以自持。於是洛靈感焉,徙
           of the Qianlong reign (in accordance with 1746), and followed   倚仿偟,神光離合,乍陰乍陽。擢輕軀以鶴立,若將飛飛而
           by two seal marks reading Qian and Long respectively, the   未翔。踐椒塗之郁烈兮,步蘅薄而流芳。超長吟以慕遠兮,
           reverse with an excerpt from Luoshen fu (Ode to the Goddess   聲哀厲而彌長。爾迺眾靈雜逯,命疇嘯侶。或戲清流,或翔
           of the Luo River) by the Han dynasty poet Cao Zhi, each side   神渚,或採明珠,或拾翠羽。從南湘之二妃兮,攜漢濱之遊
           framed within a shaped border enclosing angular scrollwork   女。歎㚿媧之無匹兮,詠牽牛之獨處。揚輕袿之猗靡兮,翳
           intertwined with scrolling foliage, the lustrous substantial   修袖以延佇。體迅飛……
           stone of a pale celadon colour mottled with icy inclusions
           30.7 cm, 12 in.

           HK$ 40,000,000-60,000,000
           US$ 5,100,000-7,650,000

           80      SOTHEBY’S  蘇富比
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87