Page 118 - Fine Chinese Ceramics Sept 2016
P. 118


VARIOUS PROPERTIES                                                               1317
                                                                                 A LARGE BLACKISH-BROWN CUT-GLAZED JAR
1316                                                                             JIN-YUAN DYNASTY, 13TH-14TH CENTURY
A PAIR OF GLAZED WHITE WARE MOLDED                                               The tapering sides are cut through the dark brown glaze to a white
SQUARE DISHES                                                                    slip with a wide band of three large ogival panels, two enclosing
LIAO DYNASTY (AD 907-1125)                                                       peony sprays, the third possibly chrysanthemum, below narrow
                                                                                 bands of key fret and foliate scroll on the shoulder.
The fared sides that rise from the fat base to the scalloped rim
are molded on the interior with two fower sprays above the large                 12Ω in. (31.5 cm.) high, Japanese wood box
chrysanthemum spray in the bottom of the interior, and each dish
is covered inside and out with a clear glaze of slightly olive tone.             $30,000-50,000

4√ in. (12.5 cm.) square, box                                         (2)        Compare the very similar cut-glaze decoration on a Cizhou-type
$12,000-18,000                                                                   dark brown-glazed ovoid bottle of comparable size (33.3 cm. high)
                                                                                 illustrated in Mayuyama, Seventy Years, Vol. 1, Tokyo, 1976, p. 200,
PROVENANCE                                                                       pl. 599. The side illustrated shows a single fower very similar to
                                                                                 the two in one of the panels on the present jar, while the other two
Mathias Komor, New York (according to label).                                    panels enclose peonies shown from the side.

遼 白瓷印花花口方碟一對                                                                     金/元 磁州黑釉剔花開光花卉紋罐

                                                  1316 (interior)
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