Page 77 - Fine Chinese Works of Art Bonhams Hong Kong May 2018
P. 77

The present incense burner and cover would have been part of a   碧玉,有墨點及深色綠斑。爐方形,四柱相連式,柱下為爐足,柱頂
           three-piece garniture comprising of an incense burner, a vase and   各飾一螭龍,爐兩側飾夔式耳。爐蓋頂鏤雕蟠龍鈕,四爪伸向蓋四
           incense box, often known as the ‘Three Accessories’ or sanshi; for   角,四角各雕一笑螭。爐身外壁上部雕交錯夔龍紋,下部雕「壽」
           two examples of such sets in spinach-green jade, see from the Qing   字,四管下部雕夔鳳紋。
           Court Collection, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the
           Palace Museum: Jade 10 Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, no.111; and   此碧玉爐仿上古青銅彝器,通常與瓶、盒組成熏香用具,為三事之
           another such set in the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, illustrated   一。清宮多以不同物料製作「三事」,如瓷、漆、銅、琺瑯、玉等,
           in Tsao Huei-chung, Jade: From Emperors to Art Deco, Paris, 2016,   其紋飾及樣式一致成套,以碧玉製成者則較為少見。北京故宮博物院
           no.132. The sets were placed on a scholar’s table in the Qing Court   藏一件類似的碧玉四柱式爐,見《故宮博物院藏品大系:玉器編10·
           for burning incense. Its distinctive shape is in imitation of an archaic   清》,北京,2010年,圖111;另見巴黎裝飾藝術博物館中藏碧玉
           bronze form, of which different pigments were kept in the tubular   三事一套,包括一件類似的四柱式爐,見Tsao Huei-chung,《Jade:
           compartments at each corner subdivided by wooden splats, while the   From Emperors to Art Deco》,巴黎,2016年,圖132。
           central compartment held a saucer and water for mixing the colours.
           Compare also a similar spinach-green jade tulu and cover, in the   維多利亞及阿爾伯特博物館亦藏有一件碧玉雕四柱式爐可資比較,
           Victoria and Albert Museum, London, illustrated by M.Wilson, Chinese   見M.Wilson,《Chinese Jades》,倫敦,2004年,圖52;另見一
           Jades, London, 2004, pl.52; and another illustrated by R.Kleiner,   例,出版於R. Kleiner著,《Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan
           Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan and Simone Hartman, Hong  and Simone Hartman》,香港,1996年,圖74,後售於香港佳士
           Kong, 1996, no.74, which was later sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 27   得,2007年11月27日,拍品編號1548。
           November 2007, lot 1548.

           The vessels, whilst similar in the archaistic form and design, vary in the
           shape of the handles, from dragon to phoenix to scrolls-shaped ones
           as in the present lot. The border decoration may also differ around
           the cylindrical sections with some including cicada blades or shou
           characters within ruyi-shaped borders, whilst others as the present lot,
           are decorated with ruyi-shaped masks.
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