Page 22 - Sotheby's May 10th 2017 London Important Chinese Art
P. 22


A GILT PAINTED SPINACH JADE                                        Jade bowls of this type are unusual, and are more commonly
‘DRAGON’ BOWL                                                      known gilded both on the interior and exterior with dragons,
QING DYNASTY, QIANLONG PERIOD                                      such as one, with a Qianlong mark and of the period, sold
                                                                   in these rooms, 23rd November 1965, lot 205; a pair, but
 nely carved with rounded sides rising to a slightly everted rim,  with more ared rims and lacking the lappet border at the
picked out with gold on the interior with a frontal-view ve-       rim, sold at Christie’s London, 9th June 1997, lot 229; and
clawed dragon in pursuit of a ‘ aming pearl’ above waves, with     a further bowl of rounded form, from the Hunting Folger
two pairs of dragons on the sides each confronting a ‘ aming       Deutsch collection, sold at Christie’s New York, 26th March
pearl’ among cloud scrolls, the exterior outlined in gold with     2003, lot 35. See also a bowl with dragons on the interior but
a band of lotus scrolls in between two lappet borders, with a      with cartouches decorated with birds on the exterior, in the
keyfret border at the foot, the green stone with natural veining   Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, illustrated in James C.S. Lin,
17 cm, 6 in.                                                      The Immortal Stone. Chinese Jades from the Neolithic to the
                                                                   Twentieth Century, London, 2009, p. 126 (top left).

                                                                   £ 10,000-20,000
                                                                   HK$ 96,500-193,000 US$ 12,500-24,900


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