Page 76 - Bonhams July 7th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chinese Paintings
P. 76



           TIAN SHIGUANG (1916-1999); SUN ZHIMIN (1881-1961)  款識:
           Bird and Flowers; Calligraphy in Regular Script   甲申(1944)秋日,擬宋人筆意,以奉光吉先生方家雅正,田世光。
           Ink and colour on paper; ink on paper, folding fan   (另面)
           Inscribed and signed Tian Shiguang, dated jiashen year (1944),   (〈寒山帚談〉,詳文不錄)〈寒山帚談〉,光吉仁兄雅屬,甲申
           with a dedication and two seals of the artist. The reverse inscribed   (1944)秋日,孫智敏書。
           and signed Sun Zhimin, dated jiashen year (1944), with the same
           dedication and three seals of the artist          鈐印:(田)田世光印、公煒
           19 x 45cm (7½ x 17¾in)                            (孫)孫智敏印、癸卯翰林、知足居
           HK$20,000 - 40,000                                註:本件及編號188另面書法皆出自孫智敏。智敏字廑才,齋名知止
           US$2,600 - 5,200                                  居,浙江錢塘人。與族兄孫峻皆為藏書家。光緒二十九年(1903)
           田世光 山茶鳴禽圖 設色紙本 成扇 一九四四年作                          等學堂(今浙江大學)及兩級師範學堂監督。書法出鍾、王,端正娟
           孫智敏 楷書趙凡夫〈寒山帚談〉 水墨紙本 一九四四年作                       秀。晚年居滬,藏書散盡。

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