Page 78 - Bonhams July 7th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chinese Paintings
P. 78


           YU FEI’AN (1888-1959); PU RU (1896-1963)          款識:
           Rock, Flowers and Butterfly; Poems in Regular Script   仿宋刻絲,寫奉永吉仁兄正,甲申(1944)秋,非闇。
           Gold and colour on indigo paper; gold on indigo paper, folding fan   (另面)
           Inscribed and signed Fei’an, dated jiashen year (1944), with a   (杜甫〈成都府〉、節錄〈楠樹為風雨所拔嘆〉,詳詩不錄)永吉先
           dedication and two seals of the artist. The reverse signed Pu Ru, with   生屬,溥儒。
           the same dedication and two seals of the artist
           20.2 x 53.3cm (8 x 21in)                          鈐印:(于)于照、非闇
           HK$20,000 - 40,000
           US$2,600 - 5,200                                  上款:「永吉」即白永吉,乃故都和平門外五道廟路東著名酒樓「春
           于非闇 奇石花蝶圖 設色泥金瓷青紙本 成扇 一九四四年作                      天樓藝話》,白氏嗜書畫,好結交藝術界人士,常「排日宴請故京藝
           溥儒 楷書杜詩二首 泥金瓷青紙本                                  人」。與張大千、于非闇交情尤深,屢獲寫贈,量多且質精。

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