Page 81 - Bonhams July 7th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chinese Paintings
P. 81


           QI BAISHI (1864-1957); LIU CHUNLIN (1872-1944)    款識:
           Lychee; Poem in Regular and Running Script        星孫先生,丙寅(1926)冬,白石齊璜時居古燕京。
           Ink and colour on paper; ink on paper, folding fan   (另面)
           Inscribed and signed Baishi Qi Huang, dated bingyin year (1926),   (蘇軾〈惠山謁錢道人烹小龍團登絕頂望太湖〉,詳詩不錄)丙寅
           with a dedication and one seal of the artist. The reverse inscribed and   (1926)初秋錄蘇詩,星孫先生屬,春霖。
           signed Chunlin, dated bingyin year (1926), with the same dedication
           and one seal of the artist                        鈐印:(齊)木人
           20 x 53.5cm (7⅞ x 21in)                           (劉)劉春霖字潤琴
           HK$20,000 - 40,000                                上款:「星孫」即潘星孫,民國時期金融家。曾任天津鹽業銀行行
           US$2,600 - 5,200                                  長。著名成扇收藏家。

           齊白石 大利圖 設色紙本 成扇 一九二六年作
           劉春霖 行書東坡詩 水墨紙本 一九二六年作

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