Page 83 - Bonhams July 7th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chinese Paintings
P. 83



           194                                               195
           LIU JIYOU (1918-1983)                             REN YI (1840-1896)
           Journey to the West; Calligraphy in Clerical Script   Hunting
           Ink and colour on silk; ink on silk, folding fan   Ink and colour on paper, fan leaf, framed
           Inscribed and signed Jiyou, dated guichou year (1973), with a   Signed Ren Yi Bonian, with one seal of the artist
           dedication and one seal of the artist. The reverse inscribed and signed   Dated renwu year (1882) of Emperor Guangxu’s reign
           Jieran, with the same dedication and one seal of the artist   18 x 52.5cm (7⅛ x 20⅝in)
           18 x 47.3cm (7⅛ x 18⅝in)
                                                             HK$30,000 - 50,000
           HK$20,000 - 40,000                                US$3,900 - 6,500
           US$2,600 - 5,200
           劉繼卣 西遊記 設色絹本 成扇 一九七三年作                            Private Singaporean collection

           款識:                                               任頤 狩獵圖 設色紙本 扇面 鏡框 一八八二年作
           (另面)                                              款識:
           蒼松挺節,夭矯摩空。良金出火,繞指玲瓏。飭我邊豆,震我鐘鏞。                    光緒壬午(1882)五月朔,山陰任頤伯年甫寫於春申。
           夭矯」,真形容得本碑之鈢精神出。書應效韓法家雅屬,七九翁孑然                    鈐印:任頤印信
           鈐印:(劉)繼卣、(另面)燮印                                   新加坡私人收藏
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