Page 100 - Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Paintings July 8th, 2020 Hong Kong
P. 100
ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983) Ambassador to Myanmar, Korea, Brazil, 2. 微雨初欲落,細雨止還濛。
Finch and Bamboo after Emperor Huizong / Italy, Argentina, and Vietnam, as well as the 曲水鵝兒綠,連林柿子紅。
Calligraphy Director of the Americas Division at the 踏空禮諸佛,拔地走群龍。
Folding fan, ink and colour on paper / ink Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 鐘磐朝昏靜,無人說贊公。
on paper The fan rib was carved by Wang Zi’an, 天水麥積山。
17.8 x 46.5 cm. (7 x 18 º in.) renowned master bamboo carver from the 婉君女士兩正,張爰。
Entitled, inscribed and signed, with a total of Republican era. Wang’s fans were preferred 鈐印:張爰、大千、張爰私印
three seals of the artist by many celebrated artists. 子厂刻扇骨題識: 石生寫,子厂刻。
Dedicated to Madame Wanjun
HK$450,000-550,000 刻印:王
PROVENANCE: US$59,000-71,000
Previously in the collection of Ye Gongchao. 來源: 葉公超舊藏。
NOTE: 張大千 儗宋徽宗竹禽圖/書法 註:上款人婉君為中華民國外交部駐外大使
The recipient of this painting is Wanjun, 設色/水墨紙本 成扇 許紹昌(1913-1999)的妻子。許紹昌,字
the wife of Xu Shaochang (1913-1999), 題識: 楠平,浙江省杭州市人。南京中央政治學校
who was a foreign ambassador representing 1. 儗宋徽宗竹禽圖。 外交系畢業,先後出任緬甸、韓國、巴西、
the Republic of China. Xu was a native of 似婉君女士清正,大千張爰。 義大利、阿根廷、越南大使,及外交部美洲
Hangzhou, Zhejiang. After graduating from 司司長。
Nanjing Central School of Political Affairs, 王子厂為民國時期著名竹刻名家,眾多名家
Xu successively assumed the roles as the 所繪成扇之扇骨多出自其手。