Page 104 - Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Paintings July 8th, 2020 Hong Kong
P. 104



          FENG ZIKAI (1898-1975)                             豐子愷     某父子     設色紙本     鏡框
          Father and Son
                                                             題識: 某父子。
          Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper     子愷畫。
          33 x 26.5 cm. (13 x 10 ¡ in.)
          Entitled and signed, with one seal of the artist   鈐印:豐子愷
          PROVENANCE:                                        來源: 蔡隆仁先生(1905-1966)舊藏。
          Previously in the collection of Cai Longren (1905-1966).  展覽: 香港,保利香港藝術空間,「真•善•美」豐子愷愛在人間
          EXHIBITED:                                              藝術展,2018年11月25日-12月4日。
          Hong Kong, Poly Gallery Hong Kong, Reality, Goodness, Beauty: Love is   出版: 《真•善•美:愛在人間-祁遇記珍藏豐子愷精品集》,
          Everywhere-Feng Zikai’s Art Exhibition, 25 November - 4 December 2018.  北京保利國際拍賣有限公司,圖版31,第52頁。
          LITERATURE:                                        註:蔡隆仁,湖南鼎城人。黃埔軍校第四期畢業,中央憲兵學校研
          Reality, Goodness, Beauty: Love is Everywhere-Qi Yuji’s Collection of Feng   究班畢業。上世紀四十年代在軍中擔任重要職務,包括憲兵第一團
          Zikai’s Works, Poly International Auction Co. Ltd., pl.31, p.52.  少將團長。1949年下半年隨國民黨軍隊移居台灣。
          Cai Longren, born in Dingcheng, Hunan, was a graduate of the
          Huangpu Military Academy. He served many key positions in the
          military during the 1940s and migrated to Taiwan after 1949.
          HK$250,000-300,000               US$33,000-39,000
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