Page 16 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
P. 16

The current dish is a classic example of the fnest Ding wares produced   定窯是五大名窯中唯一以紋飾見長者,素以其豐富多彩的紋飾和溫潤典雅
           in the Northern Song dynasty, circa 11th-12th century, so admired by   的牙白釉著稱。本件定窯盤於內底飾折枝花一朵,雙花並蒂,舒展有致,
           connoisseurs for their lustrous ivory-toned glaze and superbly fuent   為定窯劃花器的傑出代表。國立故宮博物院藏有一件與本品幾乎一致的
           carving. Such dishes would have been used as service sets in a sumptuous   定窯盤,載於蔡玫芬,《定州花瓷-院藏定窯系白瓷特展》,臺北,2014
           banquet context, probably at the imperial court. An almost identical
           Ding dish, in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, is illustrated by
                                                                  盤,惟其花莖折向右側,見John Ayers,《Chinese Ceramics: The
           Tsai Meifen, Decorated Porcelains of Dingzhou: White Ding Wares from the
           collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2014, p. 69, no. II-24. A   Koger Collection》,倫敦,1994年, 47頁,編號22。
           closely related Ding dish with a foral spray meandering towards one side
           of the center, in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, is illustrated by John
           Ayers, Chinese Ceramics: The Koger Collection, London, 1994, p. 47, no.
           22.                                                    物院所藏之兩件,載於蔡玫芬,《定州花瓷-院藏定窯系白瓷特展》,
           There appear to be two other types of foral motifs on carved Ding dishes
           of this form. One type has two fower heads with serrated petals borne
           on a leafy stem, such as two examples in the National Palace Museum   年,第154 頁,編號140。另一種飾纏枝花紋,於彎曲的莖上呈現綻放的
           Collection, illustrated by Tsai Meifen, Decorated Porcelains of Dingzhou:   蓮花、卷曲的蓮葉和蓮蓬,見波士頓美術館所藏一例,著錄於《Oriental
           White Ding Wares from the collection of the National Palace Museum, op. cit.,   Ceramics, The World’s Great Collections》,卷10,東京,1980
           pp. 72-73, no. II-27.28; and another example in the Palace Museum,   年,編號16,2015年5月倫敦埃斯肯納齊展覽一例,載於《Principal
           Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace   Wares of the Song Period from a Private Collection》,編號6,以及
           Museum – 32 - Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (I), Hong Kong, 1996, p. 76,   東京國立博物館藏一例,載於《東京国立博物館所藏横河民輔コレクショ
           no. 67. The other type has a continuous scroll with lotus blooms, buds,   ン : 中国陶磁名品選》,東京,2012年,編號22。
           pods, and curled leaves, such as the example in the Museum of Fine Arts,
           Boston, illustrated in Oriental Ceramics, The World’s Great Collections, vol.   本盤中所飾之花紋在著錄中常被認爲是牡丹或菊花,然而其細窄層叠的
           10, Tokyo, 1980, no. 16; the dish included in the exhibition at Eskenazi
           Ltd., London, Principal Wares of the Song Period from a Private Collection,
           8-29 May 2015, no. 6; and a further example in the Tokyo National
           Museum, illustrated in Tokyo National Museum Masterpieces of Chinese   年,69頁之討論。此种花卉圖像在定窯上最早見於北宋早期,如河北定
           Ceramics from The Yokogawa Tamisuke Collection, Tokyo, 2012, no. 22.
           Although formerly identifed as peonies or chrysanthemums, the motif   早期的耀州窯和河南窯場深剔花品種上,參見安思遠舊藏的一件耀州窯小
           on the present dish probably represents stylized fowers known as baoxiang
           hua in Song literature (see Tsai Meifen, Decorated Porcelains of Dingzhou:
                                                                  術館所藏的一件深剔花盤口瓶,載於《世界陶磁全集》,卷12:宋 ,東
           White Ding Wares from the collection of the National Palace Museum, op. cit.,
                                                                  京,1977 年,109-110頁,編號109。相較之下,此式定窯盤上的第二類
           p. 69). Floral motifs of this type can be found on Ding wares as early as
           the 10th century, such as a vase found in the underground chamber of the   紋飾因其花瓣邊緣呈鋸齒狀,更接近牡丹花的形象。如上所述的這三類器
           Jingzhisi Pagoda in Dingzhou city, Hebei province, which is dated to the   形、尺寸相近,紋飾不同的定窯盤在當時可能為皇宮中成套使用者。
           second year of Taipingxingguo (AD 977): see Zhongguo chutu ciqi quanji
           (Complete Collection of Ceramic Art Unearthed in China), Beijing,
           2008, vol. 3: Hebei, p. 98. This foral pattern is also popular in early
           Northern Song Yaozhou wares, such as the carved jar sold at Christie’s
           New York, 17 March 2015, lot 20, and on sgraffato wares from Henan
           province, such as the famous vase in the Freer Gallery of Art, illustrated
           in Sekai Toji Zenshu (Ceramic Art of the World), vol. 12, Tokyo, 1977,
           pp. 109-10, no. 109. The serrated edges of the foral motif on the second
           type, however, would suggest that those fowers represent peonies.

           The present dish as illustrated by C. T. Loo & Co., Exhibition of Chinese Arts, New York, 1941, no. 570.
           本件定窯盤在1941年盧芹齋《Exhibition of Chinese Arts, Special Sale》中的著錄。
           The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(三)                                                     14
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