Page 19 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
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Robert D. Mowry 毛瑞
Alan J. Dworsky Curator of Chinese Art Emeritus,
Harvard Art Museums 哈佛大學藝術博物館亞洲部榮譽主任
Senior Consultant, Christie’s
The exquisite black Ding ‘partridge-feather’ conical bowl (lot 506) in the 臨宇山人珍藏一例珍罕之至的定窯黑釉鷓鴣斑盌 (拍品編號506),它跟
Linyushanren Collection once was the treasured masterpiece of renowned 是次拍賣的北宋定窯刻螭龍紋洗 (拍品編號505) 一樣,均出自著名的波
Boston-area collectors Eugene and Elva P. Bernat, who also previously 士頓白納德伉儷舊藏 (Eugene and Elva P. Bernat)。尤金‧白納德
owned the Ding brushwasher with chilong decoration (lot 505). Born in (Eugene Bernat,1896至1982年) 生於布達佩斯 (當時與維也納並列
1896 in Budapest—which then, with Vienna, was the co-capital of the
奧匈帝國二都),1902年六歲時隨雙親埃米爾與愛瑪 (Emile and Emma
Austro-Hungarian Empire—Eugene (1896–1982), then a child of six
Bernat) 遷居美國。埃米爾 (1867年生) 精擅染織與修復壁毯,他在波士
years, immigrated to the United States in 1902 together with his parents
Emile and Emma Bernat. Emile Bernat (born c. 1867) was a master 頓牙買加平原 (Jamaica Plain) 社區開設了一家修復壁毯的作坊,其後與
dyer, weaver, and tapestry restorer who established a tapestry-restoration 波士頓、紐約和巴爾的摩等地的博物館和私人藏家合作,為之修補文藝復
workshop in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Boston, and eventually 興和巴洛克時期的老舊壁毯。他還在牙買加平原創辦生產羊毛針織品的白
worked with museums and private collectors in Boston, New York, and 納德紗廠 (Bernat Yarns),該企業後來成為美國業內第三大或許也是最
Baltimore to repair worn Renaissance and Baroque tapestries. In Jamaica 家喻戶曉的品牌。1937年,白氏三兄弟尤金、保羅 (1903至1987年) 及喬
Plain, Emile also founded Bernat Yarns, a manufacturer of wool knitting 治合力創辦嘉蘭德針織廠 (Garland Knitting Mills),為婦女和女童製造優
yarns that would become the third largest but arguably the best-known 質裙子、毛衣及運動服。保羅其後買斷尤金和喬治所持的嘉蘭德股份,但
yarn mill in the U.S. In 1937, brothers Eugene, Paul (1903–1987) and 尤金仍繼續出任白納德紗廠董事長一職。 自1944年起,麻省阿克斯橋
George Bernat founded Garland Knitting Mills, a manufacturer of quality
(Uxbridge) 的白納德工廠 (Bernat Mill) 開始生產美國空軍軍禮服專用的
skirts, sweaters, and sportswear for women and girls. Paul subsequently
深藍羊毛,這種藍羊毛又名「阿克斯橋藍」(Uxbridge blue),亦即後來的
bought out the interests of brothers Eugene and George in Garland,
although Eugene remained chairman of Bernat Yarns. Beginning in 「空軍藍」。 2
1944, wool for the U.S. Army Air Force’s navy-blue dress uniform was
manufactured at the Bernat Mill plant in Uxbridge, Massachusetts; the
blue wool was named “Uxbridge blue”, and the color later came to be 以其珍藏的中國陶瓷聞名於世,但二人初涉藝壇的契機卻是一本關於歐洲
known as “Air Force blue”. 2 壁毯的小書。他們還是哈佛大學本科生的時候,已合著並於1919年出版
《The History and Care of Tapestry》(麻省牙買加平原:埃米爾‧白
Eugene and Paul both attended Harvard, Eugene taking his bachelor’s
degree in 1920 and Paul receiving his in 1923. Even though they would
復壁毯之竅門。 3
go on to form renowned collections of Chinese ceramics, Eugene and
Paul’s frst foray into the art world was with a short book on European
白氏伉儷尤金與艾華 (Eugene and Elva Bernat) 於1927年購藏的首件
tapestries. Published in 1919 and appearing while they were both still
Harvard undergraduates, their co-authored The History and Care of 中國陶瓷是一件瓷瓶。他們的收藏愛好,均源於對波士頓藝術博物館的童
Tapestry (Jamaica Plain, Mass.: Emile Bernat) records basic historical 年回憶:但艾華是每週隨父觀看展覽,而尤金則是陪爸爸去修復壁毯。白
information about tapestries and passes along tips gleaned from their 氏伉儷委託紐約蘇富比於1980年11月7日拍賣藏品,當時其珍藏宋瓷 (公
father about the care, preservation, and repair of tapestries. 3 元960至1279年) 已逾百件,來自漢代 (公元前206至公元220年) 以至唐
Eugene and Elva Bernat acquired their frst Chinese ceramic, a vase, in 代 (公元618至907年) 這段歷史長河的陶瓷約五十件,更有約十件商代 (
1927: their interest was independently sparked by childhood trips to the 公元前1600至1050年) 和周代 (公元前1050至256年) 的古青銅禮器及一
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, she on weekly visits with her father to 件古玉。 艾華最津津樂道的是,尤金當年主力購藏早期作品 (尤其是色
view exhibitions and he on trips with his father to repair tapestries. By 彩斑斕的唐三彩),而釉色蘊藉的宋瓷則由她來打點。據她憶述:「……
the time they dispersed their collection—through Sotheby’s, New York, 就我生平所見,外子對色彩之敏銳堪稱一絕;他對濃淡深淺的感覺分毫
on 7 November 1980—Eugene and Elva had assembled more than 100 不差。 」 她認為這種對色彩的感知,應歸功於尤金在紗廠處理染料的經
ceramics from the Song dynasty (960–1279), nearly ffty ceramics from
the long period from the Han (206 BC–AD 220) through the Tang 有獨鍾,與之從事室內設計逾二十五年的經歷不無關係。他倆雖各有所
(618–907), and even some ten ancient bronze ritual vessels and one
好,但對購入的每件藏品皆有共識。 5
17 The Linyushanren Collection, Part III