Page 20 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
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archaic jade from the Shang (c. 1600–c. 1050 BC) and Zhou (c. 1050– 瑞士玫茵堂珍藏佳品雲集,幕後兩兄弟一人主力庋藏新石器時代至宋代
256 BC) dynasties. Elva delighted in recounting that Eugene oversaw the 的早期作品,另一人則專攻較後期的元 (公元1279至1368年)、明 (公元
acquisition of the early works in the collection, particularly the colorful 1368至1644年)、清 (公元1644至1911年) 三代瓷器。尤金和保羅亦不遑
Tang sancai wares, while she took responsibility for the more subtly hued 多讓,兄弟二人均矢志建立一批包羅萬象的中國陶瓷珍藏。就此而言,尤
Song pieces. She remarked that “… my husband has one of the best 金與艾華珍藏的早期文物蔚為大觀,而保羅與夫人海倫則側重搜購形形色
eyes for color I’ve ever encountered; he can match virtually anything”,
色的後期名瓷。保羅於1987年辭世, 其家人委託香港蘇富比於1988年
attributing his feeling for color both to his work with dyes in the yarn
business and to what he learned from his father in his work as a tapestry 11月15日舉行了一場意義重大的瓷器專拍。 7
restorer. She further noted that her own interest in the subtle glazes of
Song ceramics likely resulted from her more than twenty-fve years of 尤金與保羅在其夫人的全力協助之下,各自收藏了大量中國陶瓷的圭臬之
work as an interior decorator. Even so, every piece they purchased was 作,是次拍賣的定窯黑釉盌即為一例。他倆經常外借其典藏之作,在波士
approved by both, despite their markedly different tastes. 5 頓與費城、紐約及倫敦等地的重量級展覽中展出,更多次在新英格蘭各大
Like the two Swiss brothers who formed the comprehensive Meiyintang
地 (如波士頓、紐約乃至倫敦、東京) 的重要學術著作,足證其藏品之精
Collection—one brother focusing on early wares from the Neolithic
period through the Song dynasty, the other brother on later porcelains
from the Yuan (1279–1368), Ming (1368–1644), and Qing (1644–1911)
dynasties—brothers Eugene and Paul Bernat also sought to assemble a 尤金及保羅堪稱第一代以收藏中國歷代陶瓷珍藏 (從上古以至封建王朝結
comprehensive collection of Chinese ceramics. In this instance, Eugene 束) 為己任的美國藏家,這與其前輩截然不同,早期的收藏家一般側重庋
and Elva brought together an extensive collection of important early 藏明代青花瓷,或是以康熙瓷 (公元1662至1722年) 為主的清代彩瓷,
wares, while Paul and his wife, Helen, amassed a sumptuous array of 當中的翹楚包括摩根 (J.P. Morgan,1837至1913年)、弗禮克 (Henry
later porcelains. After Paul’s death in 1987, the family sold the porcelain Clay Frick,1849至1919年) 及小洛克菲勒 (John D. Rockefeller,
collection in a landmark sale at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, on 15 November Jr.,1874至1960年) 等。誠然,白氏昆仲的收藏手法與當時紐約的小
1988. 7 福爾克伉儷 (Mr. and Mrs. Myron S. Falk, Jr.) 及費城的布爾伉儷 (Mr.
With the full participation of their wives, Eugene and Paul collected and Mrs. Richard C. Bull) 不謀而合。這批活躍於二十世紀中葉的新一
many textbook masterpieces of Chinese ceramics, including the black 代不僅熱愛、欣賞其陶瓷珍藏,更主動與學者合作、與學府結盟,並以
Ding bowl in this sale. Both Eugene and Paul lent important pieces 向博物館捐贈或出任信託人的方式,大力推動相關領域的學術研究。再
from their collections to groundbreaking exhibitions in Boston and 者,白納德家族、福爾克家族及布爾家族俱為華美藝術協會 (Chinese Art
Philadelphia, in New York and London, just as many “single-owner”
Society of America) 的活躍甚或創會成員,該會成員皆為學者和鑑藏
shows drawn from the two collections were mounted at museums
家,他們除了推動展覽,更從1945年起刊印《Archives of the Chinese
throughout New England. Moreover, pieces from both collections appear
in key scholarly books published around the world, from Boston and Art Society of America》,這份期刊即美國首屈一指的亞洲藝術學術期
New York to London and Tokyo, attesting both to the importance of the 刊《Archives of Asian Art》之前身,現由紐約亞洲協會刊行。
collections and to the perspicacity of the collectors.
Eugene and Paul Bernat were members of the frst generation of 洋大觀的中國陶瓷珍藏,在美國可謂開風氣之先。他倆不僅開拓了收藏領
American collectors who sought to build comprehensive collections of
Chinese ceramics that ranged from earliest times through the end of the 者,應是二人樹立了嶄新的學者型藏家典範:為了增進專業知識,他們均
dynastic era, an approach to collecting that contrasted with that of earlier
generations which tended to focus solely on Ming blue-and-white wares 好學不倦,並大力襄助博物館與大學,其創辦的會刊更成為美國當前頂尖
or on Qing polychrome enameled porcelains, particularly of the Kangxi
reign (1662–1722); that earlier generation included such famed collectors
as J.P. Morgan (1837–1913), Henry Clay Frick (1849–1919), and John 由此可見,臨宇山人珍藏的重量級定窯黑釉鷓鴣斑盌,誠為美國名家收藏
D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1874–1960). In fact, the Bernat brothers’ approach 的早期中國陶瓷珍品。此盌美不勝收、彌足珍貴,兼之身世顯赫、意境深
was akin to that of their contemporaries Mr. and Mrs. Myron S. Falk, 遠,處處可見收藏名家風骨,觀之益顯卓犖不凡、回味無窮且意趣盎然。
Jr., of New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bull, of Philadelphia.
This mid-twentieth-century generation not only loved and appreciated
their collected ceramics but sought to advance scholarship in the feld
1 Herbert Koshetz所撰<Garland Knits a Success Story>一文,發表於1966年10月19日《紐約時報》
by working with scholars, partnering with universities, and serving as 「商業與金融」版 (L欄目) 頁L 63及70。
donors to and trustees of museums. In addition, the Bernats, Falks, and
2 詳見Telegram.com網站 (麻省伍斯特) 發表於2007年8月17日的<Seniors Thank Firefighters, Share
Bulls were active members, even founding members, of the Chinese Bernat Mill Tales>。
Art Society of America, an association of scholars and collectors that
3 尤金與保羅合著的《The History and Care of Tapestry》(麻省牙買加平原:埃米爾.白納德,1919) 。
supported exhibitions and that, beginning in 1945, published the Archives
of the Chinese Art Society of America, the ancestor of the most important 4 《The Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bernat》。(紐約:Sotheby Parke Bernet,1980年11 月
American scholarly journal of Asian art, the Archives of Asian Art, now
published by The Asia Society, New York. 5 Rita Reif發表於《紐約時報》的<Antiques: A Bounty of Early Chinese Ceramics>,1980年11月2日
星期日藝術休閒版 (Section D) 頁D 32。
6 《波士頓環球報》1987年12月8日刊登的<Paul Bernat, 85, Headed Knitting Mills>訃告。
7 《The Paul and Helen Bernat Collection》(香港:蘇富比,1988年11月15日)。
The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(三) 18