Page 40 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
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LITERATURE                                             著錄
           The Currier Gallery of Art, Chinese Ceramics of the Sung Dynasty,   The Currier Gallery of Art,《Chinese Ceramics of the Sung Dynasty》,
           Manchester, New Hampshire, 1959, no. 24.               新罕布什爾州曼徹斯特,1959年,編號24。
           Koyama Fujio, ed., Chinese Ceramics, One Hundred Selected Masterpieces from   小山富士夫編,《中國名陶百選》,東京, 1960年,編號53。
           Collections in Japan, England, France and America, Tokyo, 1960, no. 53.  繭山順吉編,《歐米蒐藏中國陶瓷圖錄》,東京,1960年, 編號25。
           Mayuyama Junkichi, ed., Chinese Ceramics in the West, A Compendium of   《世界美術全集》,卷16:中國(5)宋.元,東京, 1965年,圖版44號。
           Chinese Ceramic Masterpieces in European and American Collections, Tokyo,   H. Garner、M. Medley合著,《Chinese Art》,卷3,倫敦,1969年,
           1960, no. 25.                                          146頁,圖版20號,編號4。
           Sekai Bijutsu Zenshu, vol. 16, China (5) Song Yuan, Tokyo, 1965, pl. 44.    Asia House Gallery,《Masterpieces of Asian Art in American
           Sir Harry Garner and Margaret Medley, Chinese Art, vol. III, London, 1969,   Collections II》,紐約,1970年,編號32。
           p. 146, reel 20, no. 4.                                M. Medley,‘Simplicity and Subtlety in Chinese Ceramics’ ,
           Asia House Gallery, Masterpieces of Asian Art in American Collections II, New   《Apollo》,倫敦,1971年7月號,452頁,圖8。
           York, 1970, no. 32.                                    倫敦東方陶瓷學會,《The Ceramics Art of China》,倫敦,1971年,
           Margaret Medley, ‘Simplicity and Subtlety in Chinese Ceramics’, Apollo,
           London, July 1971, p. 452, fg. 8.
                                                                  小山富士夫,《陶器講座 》,卷6: 中國 ll 宋, 東京,1971年,編號79。
           The Oriental Ceramic Society, The Ceramic Art of China, The Victoria &
                                                                  倫敦東方陶瓷學會,《Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society
           Albert Museum, London, 1971, no. 71, pl. 18.           1969-1970 1970-1971》,倫敦,1972年,編號71,圖版48號。
           Koyama Fujio, ed., Toki Koza (Lecture of Ceramics), vol. 6: Chugoku II So
           (China II Song), Tokyo, 1971, no. 79.
                                                                  圖版52 、53號。
           The Oriental Ceramic Society, Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society
           1969-1970 1970-1971, London, 1972, no. 71, pl. 48.     圖版93號。
           Koyama Fujio, ed., Toji Taikei (Compendium of Ceramics), vol. 38:
           Tenmoku, Tokyo, 1974, nos. 52 and 53.
                                                                  長谷部樂爾編, 《中國の陶瓷》,卷6: 天目,東京,1999年,編號23。
           The Manno Art Museum, Selected Masterpieces of the Manno Collection, Japan,
           1988, pl. 93.
           Tokyo National Museum, Special Exhibition: Chinese Ceramics, Tokyo,   千秋庭,《中國美術蒐集》,東京,2006年,50-51頁,編號58。
           1994, p. 110, no. 155.
           Hasebe Gakuji (ed.), Chugoku no Toji (Chinese Ceramics), vol. 6: Tenmoku,
           Tokyo, 1999, no. 23.
           Special Exhibition to Celebrate 100 year Anniversary of Tokyo Bijutsu Club,   34-39頁,編號7。
                                                                  蘇玫瑰,‘Chinese Classic Wares from a Japanese Collection: Song
           Tokyo, 2006, no. 13.
                                                                  Ceramics from the Linyushanren Collection’, 《Arts of Asia》,2014年
           Sen Shu Tey, The Collection of Chinese Art - Special Exhibition ‘Run Through
           10 Years’, Tokyo, 2006, pp. 50-51, no. 58.
           Christie’s, Christie’s 20 Years in Hong Kong 1986-2006: Chinese Ceramics and    佳士得,《佳士得亞洲三十週年1986-2016》,香港,2016年,131頁 。
           Works of Art, Hong Kong, 2006, pp. 22-23.
           Christie’s, The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics: An Exhibition of Song Treasures
           from the Linyushanren Collection, Hong Kong, 2012, pp. 34-35, no. 7.
           Rosemary Scott, ‘Chinese Classic Wares from a Japanese Collection: Song
           Ceramics from the Linyushanren Collection’, Arts of Asia, March-April
           2014, pp. 97-108, fg. 7.
           Christie’s, Christie’s Thirty Years in Asia 1986-2016, Hong Kong, 2016,
           p. 131.

           The present Ding ‘partridge feather’ bowl as illustrated in the Currier Gallery of Art, Chinese Ceramics of the Sung Dynasty, Manchester, New Hampshire, 1959, no. 24.
           本件定窯黑釉鷓鴣斑盌在1959年The Currier Gallery of Art,《Chinese Ceramics of the Sung Dynasty》中的著錄。

           The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(三)                                                     38
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