Page 44 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
P. 44
北 A SMALL DING DISH 北宋/金 定窯折沿盤
金 The dish is fnely potted with shallow, faring sides, and is 折沿盤的器形來自於銀器,有學者指出定窯白瓷和銀器之間有著密
covered overall with a lustrous ivory-tone glaze except for 切的聯係,有時甚至會被用於填補銀器組合中的空缺。四川遂寧窖
the unglazed, raised outer edge of the fat, everted mouth rim, 藏曾出土有一件和本盤器形相近的宋代銀盤,載於《中國美術全
定 which reveals the pale buff body. 集:工藝美術編10》,北京,1987年,編號105。亦可比Uldry珍
窯 藏器形相近的一件宋代金盤及一件宋代銀盤,皆飾折枝花卉紋,見
白 7¿ in. (18.1 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box 《Chinesisches Gold und Silber Die Sammlung Pierre Uldry》,
蘇黎世,1994年,編號272及273 。
磁 $6,000-8,000 £4,500-5,900
盤 HK$47,000-62,000
Dishes with fattened rims and a low ridge running around the
edge appear in silver from the Tang dynasty, which is when
this precious metal began to be used on a more regular basis for
fne vessels. Several scholars have noted the closeness of form
between silver and Ding white wares, and it has been suggested
that the ceramics may have, on occasion, been used to ‘fll out’
the number of silver vessels in sets. One silver dish of related
form, dated to the Song dynasty and decorated with creatures
emerging from waves, was excavated in 1983 at Suiningxian,
and is illustrated in Zhongguo meishu quanji: gongyi meishu bian
10, Beijing, 1987, no. 105. Compare, also, a gold dish and a
silver dish of similar form, both dated to the Song dynasty and
decorated with fower sprays, illustrated in Chinesisches Gold und
Silber Die Sammlung Pierre Uldry, Zurich, 1994, nos. 272 and
Two Ding dishes of related form, but somewhat larger than the
present dish, are illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures
of the Palace Museum - 32 - Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (I), Hong
Kong, 1996, p. 79, no. 67 (27.4 cm. diam.) and p. 81, no. 72
(30.5 cm. diam.).
The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(三) 42