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P. 17

          A SILVER ARTICULATED SCULPTURE OF A CICADA          明治/大正時代   銀自在蟬
          The silver cicada fnely constructed of numerous hammered parts   動,鑿刻精細,栩栩如生。
          jointed together with movable wings, limbs and head, the details
          fnely chiseled                                      展覽
          2Ω in. (6.4 cm.) long                               「2011亞太傳統藝術節特展-日本明治美術」,國立臺灣傳統
          HK$65,000-100,000                   US$8,300-13,000  103。
          Preparatory Offce of the National Headquarters of Taiwan   埼玉縣川越市立美術館,2017年4月22日-6月11日;展覽圖錄
          Traditional Arts, “Japan Arts of Meiji Period; Asia-Pacifc Traditional   展品編號20。
          Arts Festival Special Exhibition.” 2011.7.8-2012.1.8. cat. p. 103.
          “Meiji Kogei: Amazing Japanese Art,” , shown at the following   著錄
          venues: Tokyo University of the Arts Museum, 2016.9.7-10.30.   郭鴻盛及張元鳳主編,《明治之美》,國立臺灣師範大學文物
          Hosomi Museum, Kyoto, 2016.11.12-12.25. Kawagoe City Art   保存維護研究發展中心,2013年,頁352。
          Museum, 2017.4.22-6.11. cat. no. 20.
          LITERATURE                                          為吉祥之物,兼作佩飾及葬玉。玉蟬陪葬早見於新石器時代晚
          Kuo Hong-Sheng and Chang Yuan-Feng, chief eds. et al., Meiji no bi   期,有清高雅潔、再生復活之喻。中國自古有不少書畫家愛好
          / Splendid Beauty: Illustrious Crafts of the Meiji Period (Taipei: National   畫蟬,近代代表人物有齊白石及趙少昂,後者出版《蟬嫣集》
          Taiwan Normal University Research Center for Conservation of   ,輯錄二十幅畫蟬佳作,享譽甚高。
          Cultural Relics, 2013), p. 352.

          In Chinese symbolism, the cicada is believed to be a sign of rebirth
          and immortality. It also represents lofty virtue and integrity and
          was particularly favored by the intellectual class for many centuries.
          The cicada is also a popular subject in Chinese painting, notably
          by Qi Baishi and Chao Shao-an. The later had compiled 20 cicada-
          themed works in his signifcant series Chanyan ji  (蟬嫣集) of 1936.
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