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John Pearce (1918-2017)
                                              約翰·皮亞士J. L. C. Pearce先生(1918-2017)

          CHINESE HARDSTONE CARVINGS FROM THE LATE JOHN PEARCE   約翰·皮亞士J. L. C. Pearce先生(1918-2017)舊藏中國玉
          (1918-2017) COLLECTION
          John Leitch Colmere Pearce was born in Hong Kong on 13 October 1918   約翰·利奇·庫彌爾·皮亞士於1918年10月13日出生於香
          into a family with a long connection in the Far East. His grandfather, the   港,家族與遠東有深遠的淵源。他的祖父湯瑪士·威廉·
          Rev Thomas William Pearce, spent nearly ffty years in China and worked
          as a missionary and translator. His father Thomas (Tam) Pearce was a   皮亞士牧師,在中國生活了將近半個世紀,擔任傳教士和
          prominent businessman in Hong Kong, and served as a Justice of the Peace
          and Chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club. John Pearce attended school   翻譯;而他的父親湯瑪士(譚)·皮亞士則是香港知名商
          at Charterhouse, and returned to Hong Kong to join the trading house,   人,曾擔任太平紳士和香港賽馬會主席。約翰·皮亞士在
          Hutchison International, in the mid-1930s.
          At the outbreak of the Second World War, John Pearce joined the Royal   英國切特豪斯公學念書,而後於1930年代中期回到香港,
          Artillery, manning the anti-aircraft guns near Deepwater Bay. On Christmas   開始在和記洋行工作。
          Day 1941, Hong Kong surrendered to the Japanese after 18 days’ ferce
          fghting, during which Tam Pearce was killed in action and John was   二次大戰爆發時,約翰·皮亞士加入英國皇家砲兵,在深
          incarcerated in Sham Shui Po prisoner of war camp. In April 1942, he
          escaped through a sewage tunnel with three comrades, swimming into   水灣附近操作高射機槍。1941年聖誕節,香港在經過18
          Chinese territory and eventually reaching Chungking after a journey of
          more than 600 miles. Rejoining the war efort as an intelligence offcer, he   天的奮戰後向日本投降,其間譚·皮亞士在戰爭中捐軀,
          assisted prisoners of war in escaping from Japanese camps. Major Pearce   約翰則被關進了深水埗戰俘營。1942年4月,他跟三名同
          drew up an evasion map which was issued to all air forces operating in the
          Pacifc, and was appointed an MBE (Member of the Order of the British   袍經由污水下水道逃跑,游泳進入中國領土,經歷600多
          Empire) by George VI for his intelligence work.     英里的旅程後,終於抵達重慶。此後,他以情報官的身分
          He returned to Hutchison International after the war, remaining on the
          board until his retirement in 1968. A steward of the Hong Kong Jockey   重新加入戰爭,協助戰俘逃離日本集中營。皮亞士少校擬
          Club, he was a regular at Sha Tin racecourse, where he often presented the   制一份逃亡地圖,將其發送到太平洋地區的所有空軍,他
          Pearce Memorial Cup to the winner of a race run in memory of his father.
          Racing was his lifelong passion and he became a noted bloodstock breeder   也因為在情報方面的貢獻,由喬治六世授勳大英帝國員佐
          and racehorse owner. His chief ambition was to breed and run a winner
          of the Derby. He never did, but came tantalingsly close in 2006 when his   勳章。
          horse, Dragon Dancer, came second by a short head. For forty years, until he
          was in his nineties, he lived in some splendour in a suite at the Hong Kong   戰爭結束後,他回到和記洋行,一直擔任董事直到1968年
          Mandarin Oriental hotel. Known for his courtesy, generosity and straight   退休。身為香港賽馬會董事,他是沙田馬場的常客,時常
          dealing, he once declined an invitation to join the Queen in her box at Royal
          Ascot because he had already agreed to meet a friend for tea.  可以在場上看到他的身影,將緬懷其父親的皮亞士紀念
          Christie’s is delighted to present the John Pearce Collection of Chinese   挑戰盃頒發給冠軍得主。賽馬是他畢生的熱情,也因此培
          hardstone carvings, many of which were purchased from the renowned
          Chinese art dealer T. Y. King (金從怡) in the 1950s and 1960s.  育純種馬,成為賽馬主人。 衷心期盼能夠培育出贏得打
                                                              (T. Y. King)手上購得。

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