Page 35 - Christie's Fine Chiense Works of Art November 2018 London
P. 35


                     CHINESE AND JAPANESE ART (LOTS 20-43)

                           SOAME JENYNS AS I REMEMBER HIM

                                              CHANG FOUNDATION, TAIPEI

                                         Soame Jenyns   詹甯斯(1904-1976)

          Life was not all roses for the most junior member   judgement on almost anything Oriental that was
          of the Oriental Department at Christie’s in the     put in front of him. As much as anyone I had ever
          early 1970s. Once or twice a month, however,        known, Soame had an ‘eye’ for Oriental art, an
          there was a real treat. Our consultant, Mr Soame    ability to discern the good from the ordinary, the
          Jenyns, formerly of the British Museum, came on     superlative from the good and the really rare from
          one of his regular visits.                          the merely uncommon.

          Soame, who soon became a friend and an ally,        Soame often said that he thought his former
          was already a legend in the feld of Oriental art    ‘chief’ at the British Museum, R.L. Hobson,
          and the author of some of the most defnitive        never had a sense of beauty for things Oriental,
          books on Chinese and Japanese ceramics. On          but treated this vast subject as an intellectual
          his visits to Christie’s he was shown any obscure   exercise in dating and cataloguing. The
          or dificult objects on which a second opinion       same could never be said of Soame himself. I
          was needed. In this he excelled. His career at      particularly remember him being very excited
          the British Museum, in addition to his years in     about a damaged Chinese famille rose porcelain
          China and his visits to Japan, had given him        kendi (jug), circa 1730 which he bought and later
          enough experience and confdence to pass
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