Page 98 - Christie's Fine Chiense Works of Art November 2018 London
P. 98
A CELADON JADE ARCHAISTIC SQUARE-SECTION HANGING The art from the period of the Qianlong emperor, as well as his two
VASE AND COVER, FANGYOU predecessors Kangxi and Yongzheng emperor, is known for its innovation
QIANLONG FOUR-CHARACTER INCISED SEAL MARK AND OF THE and archaism, with designs and shapes inspired by ancient bronzes and
PERIOD (1736-1795)
jades transported into 18th century materials and techniques. The present
The vase is carved in the shape of an archaic bronze fangyou, decorated to two vase is an example of that connection, its form and its decoration reminiscent
sides with a lion mask in high relief, above the lower body which is exquisitely of a Han-dynasty ritual bronze hu vase and the colour of the jade imitating
carved with taotie masks. The shoulders are fanked by a pair of loop handles the green patina of ancient bronze.
afixed with a swing-handle decorated with two confronting dragon-heads.
The jade is of an even greenish tone with some white and russet inclusions. Other examples of archaism in jade vessels carved during the Qianlong reign
5¬ in. (14.2 cm.) high
include: a white jade fanghu sold at Christie’s New York, 24 March 2011,
£50,000-80,000 $66,000-100,000 lot 1522; a white jade hanging vase and cover decorated with archaistic
phoenix sold at Christie’s Paris, 22 November 2006, lot 101; a further white
jade you illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
Museum - Jadeware III, Hong Kong, 1995, p. 186, no. 152; and a white jade you
dated to the mid-Qing dynasty published in Zhongguo Yuqi Quanji 6: Qing,
Shijiazhuang, 1993, p. 323, no. 246.
清乾隆 青玉仿古饕餮紋提梁蓋壺 「乾隆年製」篆書刻款
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