Page 7 - Bonham's July 13 2016 Edinburgh
P. 7


8Yƭ                                               11 Y ƭ                                             14
NETSUKE AND A SMALL JADE CARVING                  Edo/Meiji                                          14 Y ƭ
Meiji                                             An ivory reclining lion-dog, 6.5cm long, an        AN IVORY NETSUKE OF A LAUGHING
Two ivory karakuri netsuke of lotus pods with     ivory goat with inlaid horn eyes, 5.4cm long,      MAN
emerging shoots, 3.8cm and 2.7cm high, an         an antler carved as a pair of rabbits with inlaid  By Hidemasa, Meiji
ivory gourd, 5.1cm long, a marine ivory finger     horn eyes, 2.9cm high, and an antler monkey        Carved as a seated scholar leaning on low
citron, 6.3cm high, a reclining ivory animal,     holding a large peach,                             table, his arms crossed over his chest and
4.8cm high, an ivory double-headed temple         2.9cm high                                         sleeves flying back as he laughs,
bell, 2.4cm high, together with a grey jade                                                          3.9cm high
monkey, seated and holding a peach branch,        £300 - 500
4cm high                                                                                             £400 - 600
£300 - 500                                        A WOOD NETSUKE OF A RAT ON A
9                                                 18th century
TWO OJIME                                         The animal crouches on the bristles of a
Meiji                                             bamboo handled broom, inlaid eyes,
A shibayama example decorated with a bee          8cm wide
and white chrysanthemums inlaid in gold
lacquer, 1.4cm high, and a barrel-shaped          £250 - 350
bead cast with a heron in a lily pond, in white
metal,                                            13 Y ƭ
2.7cm long                                        SEVEN IVORY AND MARINE IVORY
£250 - 350                                        Meiji
                                                  The first carved as three men resting beside
10                                                a giant drum, 5cm long, another of a street
SIX NETSUKE                                       performer carrying his monkey and drum,
Meiji                                             signed, (repaired), 4.6cm high, a courtier and
A blue and white Hirado porcelain reclining       boy catching a minogame, signed, (breaks),
lion-dog, 4.5cm long, a bronze filigree            5cm high, a seated man with fan, 3.7cm
netsuke formed as a peach, 4cm long, a            high, and three of Daikukoten, one holding
kagamibuta example in wood, bone and              a tablet, one sitting and one playing a board
inlaid iron, depicting a frog on a pond, 4.3cm    game,
diameter, a second kagamibuta in wood and
bronze, with incised tortoise design, signed,     £600 - 700
3.7cm diameter, an oval manju netsuke in
bronze with gilt details of flowering plants,
4.3cm long, and another manju bronze
example, each half is cast with a pair of shishi
among peonies,
4.6cm diameter

£300 - 500

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