Page 35 - Bonhams May 22, 2019 Asia Art Sydney
P. 35
Dr Choong Ka Khey (1914-1999) and 103
Mrs Choong Siu Yim Ling (1915-2014) YANG SHANSHEN (1913-2004)
Sparrows and Peony
Collection of Chinese Paintings Ink and colour on paper, framed
鐘家駒醫生(1914-1999)及鐘蕭艷齡女士 Inscribed and signed Shanshen, dedicated to Dr Choong Ka Khey,
and with two seals of the artist
1915-2014)收藏的中國書畫 Dated winter of wuxu year (1958)
Lot 103 to 113 35.0 x 135.0cm
$6,000 - 8,000
Dr Choong Ka Khey, a general practitioner, and Mrs Choong, who 鐘家駒醫生及鐘蕭艷齡女士前半生往來香港、檳城兩地,八十年代移
completed her higher education, a rare case for women during the 民來澳。鐘醫生熱心收藏,鐘女士亦受高等教育,故此輯書畫中亦有 Provenance:
1930s, spent their life between Hong Kong and Penang before 題屬鐘女士者,可謂為民國知性摩登女性的側影寫照。據子女回憶, Acquired directly from the artist
migrating to Australia in the 1980s. According to one of the children, 五十年代末,家族由港托運一大箱書畫瓷器至檳城,許多便見於今次
in the late 1950s, a large container of Chinese paintings and ceramic 此輯書畫中。與我行悉尼分部近期諸多嶺南及廣東名家作品之流傳相 楊善深 麻雀牡丹 設色紙本 鏡心 一九五八年作
landed in their house in Penang from Hong Kong, a lot of which are 同,這批家藏又再度隨主南遷,最終落戶於南半球。
seen today in this catalogue. Like many works by Lingnan or Canton 款識:家駒醫師清賞。戊戌(1958)冬,善深於春風草堂。
artists offered in this saleroom, these works moved further south and 鈐印:善深、曾經兩渡太平洋
settled in Australia consequently.