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The late Dr. Earl Lu was a disciple of Chen Wen Hsi and Ding DING YANYONG (1902-1978)
Yanyong. An artist in his own right and the founding chairman of Reclining Nude with Cat
the Singapore Art Museum, Dr. Earl Lu was also considered one of Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll
Singapore's most prominent art patrons and philanthropists. Most Inscribed and signed Ding Yanyong, with one seal of the artist
of Dr. Earl Lu's art collections were donated to various institutions in Dated bingchen year (1976)
Singapore, including the National University of Singapore Museum, 68.0 x 48.5cm
LaSalle-SIA College of the Arts and the Asian Civilisations Museum.
$2,000 - 5,000
Exhibited and Published:
114 115 Eastern Henri Matisse: The Art of Ding Yanyong, Sin Hua Gallery,
114 163.0 x 36.0cm (2). Singapore, 21 to 30 January 2005, also listed in the exhibition Provenance:
Collection of Dr. Earl Lu (1925 - 2005), Singapore
ATTRIBUTED TO HE SHAOJI (1799-1873) $4,000 - 6,000 brochure Private collection, Singapore
Calligraphy in Running Style
Ink on paper, pair of hanging scrolls 丁衍庸 抬豬 設色紙本 立軸 一九七五年作
Inscribed and signed He Shaoji, with a dedication to Zuo Zongtang (傳)張大千 行書七言聯 水墨紙本 立軸一對 For information on provenance, exhibition, and publication, please
(1812-1885), and two seals of the artist 款識:乙卯(1975)長夏丁衍庸寫 refer to lot 116
134.0 x 33.0cm each (2). 款識:魏紫桃黃枉自詩,輸收秋色付紙葩。水際先生正之,大千居 鈐印:丁公 丁衍庸 裸女與貓 設色紙本 立軸 一九七六年作
$4,000 - 6,000 士。
鈐印:張爰大千印、大千居士 傳承: 款識:丙辰(1976)長夏丁衍庸寫
(傳)何紹基 行書七言聯 水墨紙本 立軸一對 116 新加坡私人收藏 鈐印:叔旦
DING YANYONG (1902-1978) 傳承:
款識:鐙前紅豆尚書句,眼底青山小謝詩。滌生(左宗棠)大兄屬, Transporting Piglet 盧明德醫師行醫百忙之餘,跟隨陳文希丁衍庸學畫,不僅自己是頗有 前新加坡盧明德醫生私藏
何紹基。 Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll 建樹的藝術家及新加坡藝術館的奠基人,更成為新加坡有名的藝術慈 新加坡私人收藏
鈐印:何紹基印、子貞 Inscribed and signed Ding Yanyong, with one seal of the artist 善家。新加坡各大博物館以及藝術機構多獲贈盧醫生的私人收藏。
Dated yimao year (1975)
115 68.0 x 48.5cm 展覽與出版: 傳承、展覽、及出版相情,見拍品116號
ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983) $2,000 - 5,000 東方馬提斯:丁衍庸的藝術,新華畫廊,2005年1月21日至30日,並
Calligraphy in Running Style 列於該展圖冊
Ink on paper, pair of hanging scrolls Provenance:
Inscribed and signed Daqian Jushi, with a dedication and two seals of Collection of Dr. Earl Lu (1925 - 2005), Singapore
the artist Private collection, Singapore