Page 38 - Bonhams May 22, 2019 Asia Art Sydney
P. 38

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           LIANG HANCAO (1899-1975)                          SHEN YANGONG (1867-?)                                                ZHU RUZHEN (1870-1942)                            ZENG FEI (19TH/ 20TH CENTURY)
           Calligraphy in Cursive Style                      Calligraphy Couplet in Running Style                                 Calligraphy Couplet in Regular Style              Calligraphy in Regular Script
           Ink on paper, two works mounted for framing       Ink on gold-flecked paper, pair of works mounted for framing         Ink on paper, pair of works mounted for framing   Ink on paper, four works mounted for framing
           Inscribed and signed Hancao, both dedicated to Dr Choong Ka Khey,   Inscribed and signed Shen Yangong, dedicated to Mrs Choong Siu   Inscribed and signed Zhu Ruzhen, with a dedication, and three seals   Inscribed and signed Zeng Fei, with a dedication, and two seals of the
           each with one seal of the artist                  Yim Ling, and with two seals of the artist                           of the artist                                     artist
           66.0 x 33.0cm each (2).                           Dated spring of jimao year (1939)                                    Dated the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939)  Dated early summer of jimao year (1939)
                                                             119.0 x 29.0cm (2).                                                  117.0 x 28.0cm each (2).                          115.0 x 28.0cm each (4).
           $500 - 800
                                                             $250 - 500                                                           $500 - 800                                        $500 - 800
           梁寒操 草書 水墨紙本 鏡心兩幅                                  Provenance:
                                                             Acquired directly from the artist                                    朱汝珍 楷書八言聯 水墨紙本 鏡心一對 一九三九年作                        曾飛 「朱子家訓」楷書 水墨紙本 鏡心四屏
           款識:(王維〈漆園〉詩文略)家駒先生屬書。寒操。                          沈演公 行書七言聯 水墨灑金箋 鏡心一對 一九三九年作                                          款識:儉以養廉勤能補拙, 禮為教本敬乃身基。民國廿八年(1939                  款識:朱伯盧先生治家格言(詳文略),汝瑞先生雅屬。己卯(1939
           鈐印:寒操翰墨                                                                                                                )六月朱汝珍書。汝瑞先生屬此聯語以作箴言。                             )初夏寶安曾飛書。
                                                             款識:雨過蕉花紅欲濕,風迴梧葉綠生涼。豔齡女士屬書,己卯                                         鈐印:朱汝珍印、甲辰榜眼、隘园七十後作                               款識:曾飛之印、程萬
           (二)                                               (1939)春日沈演公。
           款識:(岳飛〈池州翠微亭〉詩文略)家駒先生。寒操。                         鈐印:演公七十後作、演翁
           梁寒操(1899-1975),号君猷、均黙 ,原籍广東省肇慶府,中華民国              直接得自書法家本人

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