Page 102 - Indian and Himalayan Art, March 15, 2017 Sotheby's NYC
P. 102



PROPERTY FROM THE LANIER COLLECTION              A lady seated on a couch - distractedly spreading   Inscribed on another, earlier Malwa ragamala
                                                  ower petals on a large green leaf laid before her  painting of Malasri from the Seventeenth Century,
MALSRI RAGINI: A FOLIO FROM A                                                                        a Devanagari couplet reads:
RAGAMALA SERIES                                  as she waits for her beloved. Within the gleaming
India, Rajasthan, Jaipur or Central              white marble con nes of the zenana, consoled by     “Malasri and her maids... have the fragrance of
India, circa 1740-50                             her kneeling sakhi (con dante) and two maidens.     lotus blossoms,
                                                 A handmaiden waving a chowrie ( ywhisk) looks       and even in the daytime,
Opaque watercolor heightened with gold on paper  away expectantly, perhaps hearing approaching       they dream of their lovers and of nocturnal
image: 9¾ by 6¼ in. (22.8 by 15.2 cm)            footsteps. An empty bed on an upper oor. Two        lovemaking.”
folio: 11¾ by 8½ in. (27.9 by 20.3 cm)           musicians play below.
                                                                                                     For related works, see K. Ebeling, Ragamala
PROVENANCE                                       Ours is an exquisitely re ned example of a          Painting, Basel, 1973, p. 261 and p. 38-9, cat. 261.
                                                 ragamala series produced at Jaipur (Amber)          Also see an illustration of Gurjari Ragini from the
Oscar Leneman Collection                         in the mid Eighteenth Century. According to         same series in A.L. Dallapiccola and E. Isacco,
Acquired 1981                                    Klaus Ebeling the iconography of Malasri is rare    Ragamala, Paris, 1977, cat. 34.
                                                 and was used exclusively in Jaipur during the
                                                 Eighteenth Century.                                 $ 5,000-7,000

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