Page 97 - Indian and Himalayan Art, March 15, 2017 Sotheby's NYC
P. 97



PROPERTY FROM THE LANIER COLLECTION              An elder Jain monk recites scripture from an        is in a style most closely associated with the Thar
                                                 oblong manuscript folio - perhaps the Kalpasutra.   Desert regions of Marwar in Western Rajasthan.
THREE JAIN MONKS DISCUSS                         He sits in discussion with two monks before a       It is an unusual composition, the large Jain gures
SCRIPTURE                                        tripod covered with an orange oral cloth tied       seem to glow against the white architecture.
India, Rajasthan, Marwar or                      with three tassels. The three Shwetambar priests    Surely from a thikana of Marwar or perhaps an
Jaisalmer, mid-18th Century                      wear white muhapatti (face masks) tied through      even scarcer work from neighboring Jaisalmer,
                                                 their pierced ears - each holds a whisk for         where important Jain temples are located within
Opaque watercolor heightened with gold on paper  sweeping insects from their path. They sit before   the Jaisalmer Fort complex - a signi cant center
image: 8¾ by 7¼ in. (20.3 by 17.7 cm)            a white walled, red-columned temple framed by a     of Jain activity.
                                                 vermilion-red entranceway.
PROVENANCE                                                                                           For a general discussion of paintings from
                                                 We are immediately struck by the color palette      Marwar, see R. Crill, Marwar Painting: A History of
Private English collection                       of this unusual work. Its muted mauve, white        the Jodhpur Style, Mumbai, 2000.
Acquired 2010                                    and husky brown hues are warm and dry - the
                                                 product of a desert climate. Its gures drawn in     $ 4,000-6,000
                                                 a wiry gray-black line with de ning facial pro les

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