Page 96 - Indian and Himalayan Art, March 15, 2017 Sotheby's NYC
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PROPERTY FROM THE LANIER COLLECTION                PROPERTY FROM THE LANIER COLLECTION               For related works, see A. K. Das, “Activities of
                                                                                                     the Jaipur Suratkhana 1750-68” in John Guy
A PORTRAIT OF A PRINCE                             A PORTRAIT OF THE SERVANT                         (ed.) Indian Art and Connoisseurship, 1995, and
India, Rajasthan, Kishangarh,                      POLIRAM                                           R. Pratap, The Organization of Suratkhana of
mid-18th Century                                   ATTRIBUTED TO RAMJIDAS                            Jaipur and Its Celebrated Artist Sahibram, 1988,
                                                   India, Rajasthan, Jaipur,                         p. 27-35. For further discussion about the artist
Ink and black chalk on paper                       18th Century                                      see M. E. Aitken,”Sahib Ram,” in M.C. Beach,
image: 12½ by 9¼ in. (30.5 by 22.8 cm)                                                               E. Fischer, B. N. Goswamy, Masters of Indian
                                                   Opaque watercolor with white bodycolor on paper   Painting 1650-1900, Artibus Asiae Sup 48 I/II,
PROVENANCE                                         image: 5¼ by 2½ in. (12.7 by 6.35 cm)             2011, pp. 623-640.

Acquired circa 1995                                PROVENANCE                                        $ 1,000-2,000

A superb study of an unidenti ed nobleman,         Acquired circa 1998
possibly attributable to the Kishangarh artist
Sitaram, the son of Nihal Chand. For a very        An extremely sensitive rendering executed with
related drawing of the same nobleman see           extreme clarity and almost surely from the hand
Pratapaditya Pal, The Classical Tradition in       of the Jaipur master Ramjidas ( . 1755-85). The
Rajput Painting, New York, 1978, pp.138-139, cat.  servant Poliram depicted in pure white muslin
46, mentioning the possibility of attribution to   - his hands folded in humility - the composition
Sitaram of Kishangarh.                             slightly altered with delicate pentimenti.

$ 1,500-2,500

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