Page 101 - Indian and Himalayan Art, March 15, 2017 Sotheby's NYC
P. 101
298 Good-natured pandemonium breaks loose in the zenana during
the Springtime festival of Holi. A crowd of ladies in the harem
PROPERTY FROM THE LANIER COLLECTION throw red dye and spray scented water from syringes as they
express their a ection towards their companions on a white
A MELEE DURING HOLI marble terrace of a garden pavilion. Some attempt to quickly
India, Northern Deccan or Bikaner, early to re ll their syringes from the pool in the foreground - but are
mid-18th Century interrupted at times by their friends. Musicians play a vigorous
beat. A princess stands watching behind the crowd identi able
Opaque watercolor heightened with gold on paper only by a red nimbus.
image: 8¾ by 5¼ in. (20.3 by 12.7 cm)
folio: 10½ by 8¾ in. (25.4 by 20.3 cm) With bu /natural inner and dark blue outer borders between
gold red and white ruled lines.
Acquired 1990’s
$ 8,000-12,000