Page 93 - Indian and Himalayan Art, March 15, 2017 Sotheby's NYC
P. 93
PROPERTY FROM THE LANIER COLLECTION him. Against a at dark green ground. The inscription above
in black ink Devanagari reads “jagadegha pavara” perhaps
A NOBLEMAN PREPARES HIS ARROW naming our prince or his attributes.
India, Rajasthan, Ajmer or Nagaur,
circa 1630-50 The delicate features of the noble’s face with its naturalistic
shading, the early almost Sultanate style rounded saddle-
Opaque watercolor heightened with gold on paper guards in bright orange, distinctive pagri and diaphanous
image: 7¾ by 5½ in. (17.7 by 13.9 cm) muslin jama all suggest a date in the second quarter of the
Seventeenth Century.
An unusual and very ne early painting, from a locale in
Private collection Rajasthan signi cantly in uenced by the Mughal manner -
On loan to the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, 1958- perhaps Ajmer - or a thikana of Marwar, possibly Nagaur.
2005 There are few published comparables extant, even in a related
Acquired 2006 style, with none presently known to us from a series or by the
same hand. It is an enigmatic work whose discovery helps
A rare early Rajasthani miniature. A lord riding a rearing trace the development of Seventeenth Century Rajput painting
chestnut-color stallion holds a bow and is preparing to lock and its Mughal in uences.
an arrow. He wears a long diaphanous white muslin shirt over
yellow paijama trousers, with a very nely rendered striped $ 3,000-5,000
Mughal-style pagri (cap) on his head. His stylized saddle
a brilliant orange shade and a quiver full of arrows behind 91