Page 79 - Indian and Himalayan Art, March 15, 2017 Sotheby's NYC
P. 79



PROPERTY FROM THE LANIER COLLECTION                 holds a saddled horse. Inside the enclosure       Another Kotah drawing attributed to Sheikh Taju
                                                    men converse and smoke huqqa’s. Chapatis are      the “Fort of Gagraun” previously in the Stuart
A REST STOP ALONG THE WAY: AN                       being made as a re burns beneath earthenware      Cary Welch Collection and now at the Fogg
ENTOURAGE STOPS AT A VILLAGE                        vessels.                                          Museum at Harvard University (accession no.
ATTRIBUTED TO SHEIKH TAJU                                                                             2009.202.240) depicts the fort’s battlements and
India, Rajasthan, Kotah,                            This remarkable and vigorous ink drawing          accompanying gures set within a hilly landscape
circa 1735-40                                       is attributed to the Kotah artist Sheikh Taju     about 45 miles from Kotah. An elephant ght
                                                    active during the reign of Maharao Durjan Sal     - another specialty of Sheikh Taju - is viewable
Ink and chalk with touches of blue and white        (r.1723-56) and it contains many of the artist’s  at the upper right corner there. The “Fort of
bodycolor on paper                                  characteristic mannerisms: thick bold line        Gagraun” is a large drawing fragment, irregular in
image: 11¼ by 8¾ in. (28.6 by 22.1 cm)              juxtaposed with highly detailed and delicate ink  shape and executed on a type of rough natural/
                                                    passages, penetrating psychological insight       bu paper similar to our own study and is almost
PROVENANCE                                          toward his subjects (particularly here in the     certainly from the same hand.
                                                    depiction of the ladies and the men smoking),
Sam Fogg Ltd., London                               complex compositions of views around the          $ 2,000-3,000
Acquired mid-1990’s                                 hillsides of Kotah and the numerous visible
                                                    pentimenti, or corrected sections, often
The entourage of a noblewoman stops to rest by      overpainted in white bodycolor which seem to
a walled village enclosure. She walks a bit with    become abstracted ourishes in their own right
her companions - slowly stretching her legs and     within the overall composition.
still a little shaken from the bumpy ride over the
hills. Her carriage and its oxen at rest. A groom

                                                    INDIAN, HIMALAYAN AND SOUTHEAST ASIAN WORKS OF ART  77
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