Page 41 - Sotheby's Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy 09/14 /17
P. 41


Gao Fenghan 1683-1749


ink and color on paper, album of eight leaves

(1) with two seals of the artist, nan cun, chen han,
and one collector’s seal, illegible
(2) inscribed with a poem and two seals of the
artist, gao han, hong zhua
(3) with one seal of the artist, nan cun
(4) inscribed with a poem and one seal of the
artist, huang juan you fu
(5) inscribed with a poem and two seals of the
artist, gao, feng han, and one collector’s seal, tiao
he yi zhen cang
(6) with one seal of the artist, feng han
(7) signed Nancun, with two seals of the artist,
nan cun
(8) signed Jiaoxi Gao Fenghan, dated dingwei
(1727) of the Yongzheng reign, with a dedication
and three seals of the artist, nan cun, gao han,
hong zhua, and one collector’s seal, zi jin zhen
each 24.8 by 34.3 cm. 9¾ by 13½ in. (8)

Seattle Art Museum, 2001 (by repute)


Christie’s New York, Fine Chinese Paintings and
Calligraphy, May 29, 1991, lot 141

With wooden cover and inside blank leaves from
previous mounting. Titleslip signed Dongcun,
with one seal, illegible. With four other collectors’
seals, he shi zi jin jia cang (2), ji gu tang hao shi jia
cang tu shu, tiao he yi zhen cang, jia zai wei shui
dong an

$ 55,000-75,000                                                                                                                                                      536

檀沛侘ġ㊯䔓勱垚欂啽ġ姕刚䳁㛔ġℓ                                                                  536
                                                                                   Luo Pin 1733-1799
炷ᶨ炸憸⌘烉⋿恐ˣ冋侘                                                ⯽奥
揺啷⌘烉⎌楁ˎ⯳㚠䔓⌘䪈                                                                       OFFERINGS OF THE DUANWU FESTIVAL
炷Ḵ炸㫦嬀烉侩䌱Ḧ呤⪑䌱偍炻ᷡ⒯侈兂                                         大晭⚾喅埻⌂䈑棐⯽奥炻2001⸜炷㒂䎦啷    ink and color on paper, hanging scroll
ℙ歖廅ˤ泃泎㷾ᶲ厙⃺ㇳ炻⸦⹎䬈䯫冒屟                                         ⭞姀抬炸                    signed Liangfeng, with two seals of the artist,
㬠ˤ憸⌘烉檀侘ˣ泣䇒                                                                         liang feng zi, luo pin
炷ᶱ炸憸⌘烉⋿恐                                                   Ἦ㸸                      53.7 by 40 cm. 21⅛ by 15¾ in.
炷⚃炸慳㔯烉䨧䵘㗍欂䴚㞛攟炻Ỹ梸ˎ婆                                                                 $ 20,000-40,000
椼ㆸ㸗ˤ䳽ㄸ㕘⨎䂡婧┬炻䞕−响䴚乮↯                                         䲸䲬Ἓ⢓⼿炻ᷕ⚳㚠䔓炻1991⸜5㚰29㖍炻
唹ˤ憸⌘烉湫䴡⸤⨎                                                  ㉵⑩䶐嘇141                 伭倀ġ䪗⋰㶭ὃġ姕刚䳁㛔ġ䩳庠
⺬䄁曄ˤ㫚䞍侩䫮婘㐡⍾炻シ⛐㜙⏛㚱䪡                                         㲐烉旬⇵㫉墅墙⣑⛘味ˤ会䯥烉檀⋿旄㊯      㫦嬀烉ℑⲗ㇚ἄˤ憸⌘烉ℑⲘ⫸ˣ伭倀
匲ˤ䪡匲㰰䞛䓘⇍⠭ˤ憸⌘烉檀ˣ沛侘                                          柕⮓シˤ㜙恐柴䯾ˤ憸⌘烉㻓㻞ᶵ彐
揺啷⌘烉婧浜䮫䍵啷                                                  揺啷⌘烉⭱㮷⫸拎⭞啷炷Ḵ憸炸ˣ䧥⎌➪
炷ℕ炸憸⌘烉沛侘                                                   悅㮷⭞啷⚾㚠ˣ婧浜䮫䍵啷ˣ⭞⛐㾘㯜㜙
炷ᶫ炸㫦嬀烉⋿㛹ˤ憸⌘烉⋿恐                                             Ⱡ

                                                           FINE CLASSICAL CHINESE PAINTINGS & CALLIGRAPHY  39
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