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Zhou Zhimian (1521-?)                               ␐ᷳℽġ㜙䰔䥳刚ġ姕刚䴡㛔ġ䩳庠        Qian Weiqiao 1739-1806

BIRDS AND CHRYSANTHEMUMS                            㫦嬀烉                     CHRYSANTHEMUMS
ink and color on silk, hanging scroll               ᷳℽ                      ink on paper, hanging scroll
                                                                            signed Zhuchu Weiqiao, with four seals of the
signed Zhou Zhimian, dated wuzi (1588) of the       柴䔓⽫Ļ                    artist, qiao, ji mu, zhu chu, ci ke hua shi
Wanli reign, autumn, with one seal, zhi mian        炷㜄⣏䵔炸䥳⃱㺧ᶱ⼹炻湫卲⁚曄攳ˤ∃      99.4 by 35.5 cm. 39⅛ by 14 in.
Inscriptions on painting by Du Dashou (16th         ≽㶝㖶⿅炻攟㫴㬠⍣Ἦˤ㜄⣏䵔ˤ憸⌘烉
century), signed Du Dashou, with two seals, da      ⣏䵔ᷳ⌘ˣᶨ⌘ᶵ彐               $ 15,000-25,000
shou zhi yin, one other illegible; Lu Shiren (16th  炷映⢓ṩ炸⭺劙−−⺬庽湫炻䘦⋱ⅳ暞夳
century), signed Lu Shiren, with two seals, cheng   㬌剛ˤ⣑シḇㅱㄸ㘂䭨炻䥳⃱䪗ᶵ屈慵       拊䵕╔ġ㜙䰔䥨刚ġ㯜⡐䳁㛔ġ䩳庠
hu, one other illegible; and Wen Zhenmeng (1574-    春ˤ映⢓ṩˤ憸⌘烉㈧㷾ˣᶨ⌘ᶵ彐
1636), signed Wen Zhenming, with one seal, Wen      炷㔯暯⬇炸䥳刚㜙䰔⤥炻湫剙㴍曚攳ˤᷣ      㫦嬀烉㜙䰔䥨刚ˤ䪡⇅䵕╔⮓ˤ憸⌘烉
Zhenmeng                                            Ṣ∃␥岆炻復惺䘥堋Ἦˤ㔯暯⬇ˤ憸⌘烉      ╔ˣ⬋㛐ˣ䪡⇅ˣ娆⭊䔓ⷓ
91.1 by 34.9 cm. 35⅞ by 13¾ in.                     㔯暯⬇

PROVENANCE                                          Ἦ㸸

Sotheby’s New York, Fine Classical Chinese          䲸䲬喯⭴㭼炻ᷕ⚳⎌ẋ㚠䔓炻2013⸜9㚰19
Paintings and Calligraphy, September 19, 2013,      㖍ġ炻㉵⑩䶐嘇632
lot 632

$ 16,000-22,000
   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43