Page 42 - Sotheby's Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy 09/14 /17
P. 42


Attributed to Ding Yunpeng


ink on silk, handscroll
signed Shenghua jushi Yunpeng, with one seal of
the artist, ding yun peng yin
With one collector’s seal of Zhao Zhiqian (1829-
1884), zhao wei shu
30.5 by 507 cm. 12 by 199⅝ in.

$ 7,000-9,000




Attributed to Xu Wei


ink on paper, handscroll

signed Tianchi shuzhe Wei, with four seals of the
artist, wei, qing teng dao shi, wen chang, xiang
guan zhai, fo shou
Colophons by Wang Zhen (1867-1938), signed
Bailong shanren, dated xinwei (1931), the rst
lunar month, with two seals, wang zhen da li, yi
ting; Wang Zhuangwei (20th century), signed
Yishui Wang Zhuangwei, dated the rst wushen
of the Republic (1968), the tenth lunar month,
with four seals, wang zhuang wei yin, zhi dao
wu wei, wu shen liu shi, one illegible; Li Lincan
(1913-1999), signed Sumen Li Lincan, dated the

 rst jiyou of the Republic (1969), the fourth lunar
month, with one seal, li zhuang jiu ren; Jiang
Zhaoshen (1925-1996), dated jiyou (1969), the
second lunar month, with three seals, zhao shen,
jiao yuan, yuan mo
Titleslip by Wang Zhen, signed Bailong shanren,
dated xinwei (1931), the fourth lunar month, with
one seal, yi ting
31.2 by 216 cm. 12¼ by 85 in.

LITERATURE                                           ⼸㷕炷㫦炸⡐匟ġ㯜⡐䳁㛔ġㇳ⌟        㗍炻䘥漵ⰙṢˤ憸⌘烉䌳暯⣏⇑ˣᶨṕˣ
The Complete Works of Xu Wei, Paintings, Tianjin                            㴟暚㦻
Renmin Meishu Chubanshe, 2014, p. 241, pl. 38        㫦嬀烉㻙㻊⡐媼ˤᶨ㔿㷾⃱ᶵ㓦⮔炻⌜㕤     炷䌳匲䁢炸ἁ⼨㷠ⵢ⋿Ƀ炷䔍炸Ƀⶳ屣
                                                     ⶳᶲ⭂㲊㿦ˤ䈨䚌湹䚉㖈ṃ囄炻㌏↢劭Ⱉ     䞋ˤ㮹⚳䫔ᶨㆲ䓛炷1968炸⇅⅔㚰炻㖻㯜䌳
PROVENANCE                                           ⤛忻ⅈˤ⣑㰈㻙侭㷕ˤ             匲䁢㔔嵳ˤ憸⌘烉⡐ˎˣ䌳匲䁢⌘ˣ军忻
Christie’s New York, Fine Classical and Modern       憸⌘烉㷕ˣ曺喌堄⢓ˣ㔯攟ˣ㸀䭉滳ˣἃ     䃉䁢ˣㆲ䓛ℕ⋩
Chinese Paintings, November 30, 1984, lot 670        ⢥                      炷㛶暾䆎炸ἁ冯⼸⣑㰈㬮㚱⭧䶋侭炻Ḵ⋩
$ 20,000-40,000                                      柴嵳烉炷䌳暯炸㻹⡐㵳㺻䛤䓴⮔炻⣑㰈ῇ     暆嵛Ⱉˤ忶屻⯭炻ῤ⣑暐炻㾀㲍㔠⯢炻⚘
                                                     䫮崟㲊㿦ˤ㷾⃱⋩慴剔旨⇑炻㶭㯜㾗主冒僓    㕭况炻䘦䃉俲岜ˤ⾥吋䪡⏃⃰䓇夳姒炻怨

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