Page 89 - Contenporary Ink Chinese Painting Nov 27 2017 Hong Kong
P. 89

INK IN TAIWANThis section (Lots 869-878) explores                                           水墨台灣以 下 作 品( 編 號 869-
                                                           the works of seven artists from                               878) 展 現 了 生 於 上 世 紀

Taiwan born between the 1920s and the 1960s. Liu Kuo-sung, He Huaishuo and                  20 至 60 年代的七位台灣水墨藝術家的創作。

Wu Hsueh Jang were born in China, yet their move to Taiwan at a young age has               劉國松、何懷碩和吳學讓雖然生在中國,但因
altered their trajectories. The openness and artistic freedom in post-war Taiwan            年輕時移居到台灣,從此影響他們的人生軌跡
became a catalyst for change and innovation, and in response, progressive artists           與藝術創作。戰後的台灣社會逐漸變得開放,
founded the influential Fifth Moon Group and the Ton Fan Art Group.                         對藝術創作的自由度也隨即增長,成為變革與

The development of Chinese ink painting in Taiwan in the past half century is               創新的催化劑。當時的藝術家也隨即成立了極

highlighted by the founding of the Fifth Moon Group in 1957 by artist Liu Kuo-              有影響力的五月畫會和東方畫會,集合藝術家

sung and other graduates of the National Taiwan Normal University. Bold and                 的力量革新文化。

innovative, the artists strove to revolutionise the art practice in Taiwan with             1957 年,劉國松和幾位台灣師範大學畢業的藝
a Western perspective. Liu Kuo-sung was born in 1932 and originally from                    術家創立五月畫會,對台灣近五十年的水墨發展
Shandong, China. He later moved to Taiwan in 1949 and graduated from the                    產生了重要的影響。他們大膽創新,以西方藝術
National Taiwan Normal University. In search of a new expression in his art, Liu            的視野革新本土的藝術創作。劉國松 1932 年出
initially focused on oil painting but returned to ink painting in 1961. Liu has since       生於山東,後移居到台灣,1949 年畢業於台灣
constantly introduced experimental techniques and revolutionary materials to ink            師範大學。劉氏早年專注於油畫創作,到 1961
painting, from using collage, paper tearing, ink rubbing, to steeping ink between           年才重拾東方畫系的水墨媒介。劉氏身體力行從
two pieces of paper.

Inspired by cursive script calligraphy, Liu began to work on his Calligraphic               事實驗創作,以幾何拼貼、撕紙筋、「水拓法」
Abstraction Series (Lots 822, 823 and 870) in the 1960s. He uses a large brush to           等方式倡導水墨畫的現代化。

apply bold and carefree brushstrokes on wrinkled paper, abstracting traditional             劉國松在 1960 年代創作的狂草抽象系列(編號

landscape compositions with a few powerful strokes. This series marks a                     822, 823, 870),靈感源自草書書法,以狂草

breakthrough for Liu Kuo-sung who was then in his 30s. Executed between 1970                筆法大膽入畫,在弄皺的紙上以寥寥數筆勾勒
and 1971, Which Is Earth? No. 96 (Lot 869) is a remarkable example of Liu’s Space           出傳統山水畫的構圖,是他三十多歲時重要的
Series that he started in 1968 when he was residing in the United States. Inspired          突 破。 在 1970 年 至 1971 年 間 繪 畫 的《「 地 球
by astronaut William Anders’ photograph
Earthrise which was taken on the Apollo                                                                  何許?」之九十六》(編號 869)是
8 Mission, Liu attempts to showcase                                                                      劉氏太空系列的經典例子。當時劉國
the full moon shining above the earth                                                                    松旅居美國,1968 年看到太空人威廉·
with broad, abstract brushstrokes                                                                        安德斯從阿波羅 8 號上拍攝的地球上
representing the landmasses and oceans                                                                   升的照片取得靈感,從而開創了太空
of the Earth.                                                                                            系列,用平面的構圖,以豐富的顏色,
Liu expresses the unpredictability of                                                                    面的下部,畫家以宏大和抽象的筆觸
ink and paper reacting with each other,                                                                  表現地球上的陸地和海洋被大氣層環
resulting in his many series of ethereal                                                                 繞之景象。
abstract and landscape paintings over
the past six decades. At a time when                                                                     劉國松在漫長的藝術生涯中創作出許
many of his contemporaries employed                                                                      多著名的系列作品,他運用多種技法,

only ink and rice paper to reflect the                                                        去表達水墨和紙張的相互反應的不可

traditions of the classical past, Liu Kuo-                                                    預測性,以及他駕馭這些媒介材質的

sung revolutionised his landscape works                                                       能力。當同期畫家專注用水墨和宣紙

through the use of vibrant colours and                                                        傳承中國古代書畫傳統時,劉國松運
new techniques. In 1971 Liu moved                                                             用鮮明的色彩和嶄新的技法完全改革
to Hong Kong to take up a teaching                                                            了他的山水作品。1971 年劉國松移居
position at the Chinese University                                                            到香港,擔任香港中文大學藝術系教
of Hong Kong, deeply influencing                                                              授,對近幾十年香港水墨藝術的發展
generations of Hong Kong artists ever                                                         有著深遠的影響。
                                            Liu Kuo-sung and members of the Fifth Moon Group

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