Page 52 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art December 2, 2015 HK
P. 52
fig. 1 Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
3114 ⎘⊿㓭⭖⌂䈑昊啷ᶨẞ䚠⎴ἳ炻⍫夳˪䡏䵈–㖶ẋ漵㱱䩗曺
䒟˫⎘⊿炻2009⸜炻⚾䇰130嘇炷 炸ˤ℞☐⼊ㅱὪ冒⃫ẋ
A VERY RARE EARLY MING LONGQUAN 漵㱱䩗曺慱匟叱⼊味仸☐幓㺼嬲侴Ἦ炻ᶼ㉵⑩層㍍ℏ⸽㕡⺷
CELADON JAR AND COVER ḇ冯匟叱⼊味仸⸽悐墥ἄ㕡⺷䚠⎴炻⍫侫㛙ỗ嫁ᷣ䶐˪漵㱱
YONGLE PERIOD (1402-1424) 䚠㭼庫炻㖶ẋ☐幓㉱檀炻ἧ℞☐⼊㚚䶂∃䥨伶烊⃫ẋ匟叱
The jar is sturdily potted with an ovoid tapering body rising from 㦥炻䨑⭂ᶼᶵ㖻㺷㯋炻䫎⎰⮎晃ἧ䓐暨天ˤ℞☐⼊䘬㓡嬲炻
a countersunk base with a recessed centre to broad shoulders and a 冯㖶叔㙮㛅㛶㜙春䶐˪⣏㖶㚫℠˫⎚⮎䚠䫎ˤ˪⣏㖶㚫
short inturned neck, the domed stepped cover is surmounted by a ℠˫炻⌟ᶨḅ⚃炻ⶍ悐⋩⚃炻ˬ昞☐˭㡅庱烉㳒㬎Ḵ⋩
bud-form finial, covered overall under a glossy green glaze. ℕ⸜⭂炻↉䅺忈ὃ䓐☐䙧䫱䈑炻暨天⭂⤒㧋⇞炻妰䬿Ṣⶍ
9 ¬ in. (24.9 cm.) high, Japanese wood box 䈑㕁炻⤪㝄㔠⣂炻崟⍾Ṣ⋈崜Ṕ伖䩗冰ⶍ炻ㆾ㔠⮹炻埴䦣
HK$3,000,000-5,000,000 US$390,000-650,000 炷1393⸜炸ᷳ⼴炻䓙ℏ⺟⭂⤒㧋⇞炻⚈䅺忈㔠⮹炻侴␥嗽ⶆ
Compare to a nearly identical Longquan covered jar in the National ⮠ᷳ㖶ẋ漵㱱䩗⇣剙䈉ᷡ䲳味仸㓞啷炻⍫夳㛙ỗ嫁ᷣ䶐˪漵
Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated by Tsai Mei-fen, Green-Longquan 㱱䩗曺䒟˫⎘⊿炻1998⸜炻枩261炻⚾246ˤ
Celadon of the Ming Dynasty, Taipei, 2009, pp. 238-239, no. 130
(fig. 1). It is interesting to compare the form of the current jar to that
from the Yuan period, such as an example illustrated in Celadons
from Longquan Kilns, Taipei, 1998, no. 170, which has a more globular
body but the same stepped base as the current lot. Unlike the Yuan
examples, the cover of the current lot has an inner flange that allows
for a tighter fit with the jar. For another Ming example with this type of
cover, see a carved Longquan jar in the Palace Museum, Beijing, ibid,
p. 261, no. 246.
base of Lot 3114