Page 66 - Bonhams Scholars Art and Instruments Hong Kong December 2, 2021
P. 66

the strings would be sanded down and polished away to achieve   to adapt the instrument, as well as the ability to master the form and
           smoothness again. Different levels of sanding would reveal the colours   sound of it. Of course, he may well have left the actual remodelling and
           of different layers of lacquer beneath. Where it is heavily sanded, the   lacquering of the qin to other master qin makers.
           underlying layers of black-brown lacquer, or even the vermillion layers
           beneath, as well as the grainy antler ash layer will show through,   In his essay ‘On the precious qin in the collection of Tang Kai’, Mr
           resulting in a shimmering surface of lustrous colours.   Zheng Minzhong (1923-2019), the late researcher in Palace Museum
                                                             has mentioned seven qin which have been remodeled by the Qing
           The remodelling of ‘Jingtao’ under scientific examination  dynasty qin master Tang Kai, including the ‘Yuanxiao Qingluo’ qin
           The current fengshi form of the ‘Jingtao’ qin is, however, not its   (Ape Whistling Through Green Vines) previously in Mr Guan Pinghu’s
           original form. X-ray images have, to researchers’ surprise, shown and   (1897-1967) collection. Mr Guan acquired the instrument from Mr
           confirmed that it was modified from the lianzhu (connected beads)   Xia Puzhai. As Mr Guan was extremely critical of the tone of the qin
           form. The concave arcs of the original lianzhu form at the head and   he used, he had this qin repaired. During the restoration process, Mr
           waist of ‘Jingtao’ has been filled with wooden blocks, resulting in a   Zheng used to pay visits to the craftsmen to study the restoration
           convex profile, then painted over with vermillion and black lacquer. The   techniques. There he learned that the side walls of the instrument had
           new lacquered surfaces have also been processed to create a mottled   been previously widened by wooden strips. When the instrument was
           visual effect. Judging from the cracks in the shape of water ripples   opened revealing the interior, the original seams where the upper and
           connected to those on the original lacquered surface, the remodelling   lower parts of the instrument joined could no longer be found. After
           of ‘Jingtao’ probably took place before 1919, when it came into Mr Li   taking precise measurements of the instrument, it was discovered that
           Zizhao’s possession.                              the original form of the qin ‘may have been zhongni (Confucius style)’.
                                                             Inside of the neck is an ink inscription which read ‘Yu Chong in the
           It is common to restore a qin, but remodelling is rare. As an   second year of the Taikang reign (AD 281)’. Tang Kai’s seal with both
           instrument for self-cultivation, the qin holds a noble status among all   Chinese and Manchurian writings is placed on the bottom board of
           scholars’ items. It is said that ‘a qin is the most virtuous of all musical   the qin. The inscription from the restoration by Guan Pinghu is placed
           instruments’ and that ‘a scholar should never abandon his qin and se   within the ‘dragon pool’ and it reads, ‘In spring of 1956, restored by
           zithers without a good reason’. The role played by a qin in the life of   Guan Pinghu’. As a master of the Jiuyi School, Guan Pinghu was well
           a literati is quite incomparable to that by other artefacts. The owners   equipped with comprehensive skills to restore qin instruments. After
           would have taken great care of their instruments and the chance of   restoration, the ‘Yuanxiao Qingluo’ qin has become a masterpiece,
           radical changes in the shape of the qin would be extremely small.   and was used in the recording of the classic piece Liu Shui 流水
           Also, even a masterful musician of qin may not necessarily have the   (Flowing Waters).
           aesthetics or craftsmanship to remodel a qin. As demonstrated by Gu
           Kaizhi’s (c. 344–406) painting Zhuoqintu (Making a qin), the making   The main aim of splitting and repairing an instrument is often to improve
           of a qin in ancient times required teamwork with a meticulous division   the sound quality. The restoration of the instrument is mainly achieved
           of labour. All the important steps, such as modelling the cavity of a   by chipping the cavity and grooves in the interior of the qin bodies. In
           qin and toning, required the joint effort of scholars and craftsmen.   addition to improving the tone of the instrument, the modifications were
           There have been very few people who could complete the process of   also of an aesthetic concern, or even more so. Judging from the x-ray
           manufacturing a qin on their own. Even a qin craftsman with masterful   images of ‘Jingtao’, it is assumed that the person who remodelled the
           skills of wood carving and lacquering, may not have the comprehensive  instrument may have had a different view towards the concave curves
           ability to adapt or remodel a qin.                at the neck and waist of the original lianzhu form. As the change in
                                                             shape to a fengshi form, by filling in the concave arcs, had limited
           Then, who would be capable of remodelling a qin? In the Qinxue   impact on the sound, it can be speculated that the alteration must have
           Congshu (Great Compendium of Qin Studies) by Yang Shibai (1863-  been carried out by someone with excellent skills which are comparable
           1932), a qin named ‘Songhuang Jiayu’ (Striking Jade with Pine and   to, or even superior to those of Tang Kai.
           Bamboo) is mentioned, which bore a long inscription by Tang Kai, a
           qin collector in mid Qing Dynasty and modified a number of antique   The ancient sounds inherited by ‘Jingtao’
           qins. In the inscription, it noted that the alteration has completely   In 1895, Li Zizhao (1856-1938), Wu Changshuo (1844-1927) and
           removed the characteristics of the Tang dynasty from the instrument.   the others held an elegant gathering in the Yi Garden in Suzhou. One
           Such an alteration of a qin would be unimaginable today. However, as   Autumn 24 years later, Li Zizhao, together with Wu Lansun and Ye
           an established qin master three hundred years ago, Tang Kai had a   Zhangbo, invited 33 qin masters from Shanghai, Yangzhou, Chongqing,
           large collection of qin. He had the material resources to appreciate and   and Hunan to meet at the same spot for a qin gathering, in which there

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